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Investment Giving

How Does It Work?

Whether you are considering leaving part of your estate or donating from your IRA to meet your required minimum distribution, there are so many ways you can make a difference in saving the lives of unborn children.

IRA Distributions

If you are 70 1/2 or older, you can donate up to $105,000 to Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America Education Fund 501(c)(3) directly from your individual retirement accounts (IRAs). Such a direct transfer will serve as a qualified charitable distribution (QCD) and can count towards your required minimum distribution (RMD) once you reach RMD age of 73.

Qualified charitable distributions (QCD’s) or otherwise known as IRA charitable rollover gifts do not qualify for a charitable deduction. Although you will not receive an income tax deduction for this gift, the distribution will be excluded from your taxable income.

Contact your IRA custodian to complete the transfer. Please include your name or let us know of your plans, so we may express proper gratitude and acknowledge your gift.

Donor Advised Funds

You can donate to the Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America Education Fund from your Donor-Advised Fund. The SBA Pro-Life America Education Fund is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization which focuses on promoting life issues through education, and complements the grassroots lobbying and political action of SBA Pro-Life America. SBA Pro-life America Education Fund is tax-exempt, and all donations are tax-deductible.

When completing your grant recommendation, please include your name as well.

Stocks, Bonds, and Mutual Funds

This smarter way to give allows you to gain a charitable tax deduction for the value of the securities, and you may even be exempt from taxes on any gains from the time you acquired the securities. Email for more information on giving stocks, bonds, and mutual funds.

Important Information for SBA Pro-Life America:
Full Legal Name: Susan B. Anthony List, Inc. (dba Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America)
Mailing Address: SBA Pro-Life America, 2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr. # 803, Arlington VA 22206
Federal Tax Identification Number: 54-1850126
Date of Incorporation: 5/12/1997
*Susan B. Anthony List, Inc., d/b/a Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, a non-profit 501(c)(4) membership organization.

Important Information for the SBA Pro-Life America Education Fund:
Full Legal Name: Susan B. Anthony List Education Fund (dba Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America Education Fund)
Mailing Address: SBA Pro-Life America Education Fund, 2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr. #803, Arlington, VA 22206
Federal Tax Identification Number: 26-4788700
*Susan B. Anthony List Education Fund, d/b/a Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America Education Fund, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.

Please contact with any questions.

Susan B. Anthony List, Inc. d/b/a Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America (SBA Pro-Life America) is a nonprofit 501(c)(4) membership organization. With your gift of $25 or more you will become a Sustaining Member of SBA Pro-Life America, and will receive information regarding the special benefits of your annual membership. Your contribution, which is not required to be publicly disclosed and is not deductible as a charitable contribution for federal income tax purposes, will be used for pro-life advocacy and social welfare activities in accordance with the mission and purposes of SBA Pro-Life America, at the discretion of its board of directors and officers. If you would like to make a directed contribution to support a particular project, please contact us. Although SBA Pro-Life America periodically uses its general treasury funds to engage on important political matters, the organization does not accept funds earmarked for independent expenditure activity or designated for other political purposes in support or opposition to federal candidates.
Susan B. Anthony List Education Fund, d/b/a Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America Education Fund, d/b/a Charlotte Lozier Institute (CLI), is the education and research arm of Susan B. Anthonly List, Inc. d/b/a Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America (SBA PLA). CLI is a nonprofit Section 501(c)(3) public charity. Contributions to CLI are not required to be publicly disclosed and are deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes to the extent permitted by law. CLI is permitted to accept gifts of stock, receive certain gifts in-kind, and participate in corporate matching or payroll deduction gift programs. For more information about these contribution options, please email us at or call 202-223-8073.
Ways to Give

Ways To Give

Donate By Phone


Donate By Mail

2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
#803 Arlington, VA 22206