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Voter Contact Program

Fast Facts


States We're Active In


Pro-Life Canvassers Deployed


4,262,737 Visits to Voter Homes


Exceeded Our Goal of 4 Million Visits

Securing our pro-life future

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz represent the most aggressively pro-abortion ticket in our nation’s history. To secure America’s pro-life future, we must defeat them November. We must also elect a pro-life majority to the Senate, and an expanded pro-life majority to the House.

To win these all-important contests, SBA and our partner organization, Women Speak Out (WSO) PAC will be visiting voters in eight battleground states with a goal of 4,000,000 in-person visits by Election Day.

Latest News

States We're Active In

In the 2022 election cycle SBA Pro-Life America and Women Speak Out raised more than $78
million and reached more than eight million pro-life voters.

For the 2024 cycle we plan to reach 10 million voters – four million directly at their doors – across eight key battleground states.



Goal: 450,000 visits



Goal: 250,000 visits



Goal: 400,000 visits



Goal: 150,000 visits

North Carolina

North Carolina

Goal: 500,000 visits



Goal: 1,000,000 visits



Goal: 550,000 visits



Goal: 415,000 visits

Goal: 415,000 visits

What We Do

Our team focuses on two types of voters to communicate the pro-life message and expose
Democrats’ extremism on issues like late-term abortion and infanticide:

  1. Pro-life voters are with us on the issue, but consistently vote in every election.
  2. Persuadable pro-life voters would likely vote for the pro-abortion candidate without
    information and education, but they can be convinced not to, based on the life issue. This
    includes Independents, minority voters and some Democrats.

Our program combines high-touch door to door canvassing, voter contact mail, hard-hitting digital ads, live phone calls, and text messaging. Speaking with voters face to face, directly at their homes is the cornerstone of our program that allows us to cut through the noise of campaign ads.

Analysis in prior election cycles shows we can increase voter turnout by 6.6% on average by delivering our message personally at voters’ homes. A good example of our impact: Pro-life Senator Rick Scott defeated incumbent pro-abortion Democrat Bill Nelson by a little over 10,000 votes out of 8.1 million votes cast – our field team in Florida visited over one million voters in his race, helping provide the margin of victory.

They Need You.

Our canvassers are hitting the streets every day between now and the election to be a voice for the voiceless. But they can’t do it alone… and we need to reach 10.8 million voters by election day. Will you stand with unborn babies – and with our courageous canvassers – by making your most generous pro-life gift today?

Our Canvassers are Saying...


The latest photos of our pro-life canvassers in action!

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Ways To Give

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2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
#803 Arlington, VA 22206