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Wisconsin Voter Contact Program

Fast Facts

Target regions: Milwaukee, Green Bay, Northern Wisconsin, Southern Wisconsin

Active Canvassers


294,450 Voter Homes Visited


Towards Our Goal of 415,000 Visits

Our Wisconsin Canvassers are Saying...

“I had a ton of interesting conversations today. One group of guys said they'd never thought about abortion before but were shocked when I told them abortion is legal past 15 weeks. Multiple people thanked me for what I was doing.” - Haddie, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

“Going through the first two questions really got Tyrey thinking about what it meant to be pro-life. Although many people don’t immediately identify as pro-life, many do turn out to be pro-life, since the opposition is so extremely pro-choice! Anyways, I’m always glad to be out here letting people know all the extreme policies the left has for abortion, and trying to make some changes!” - Seamus S. Milwaukee, Wisconsin

“I spoke to a gentleman who was initially pro-abortion with no restrictions. But after speaking for a while and answering his questions, he looked at me and said “Well young lady, I think you changed a mind today."” - Rose, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

“Loretta and I had a great conversation about how brutal some of the liberal abortion policies are. She definitely believed in limiting abortions, and said she would not vote for Tammy but, still had to think about Biden.” - Seamus S. Milwaukee, Wisconsin


The latest photos of our Wisconsin pro-life canvassers in action!

Ways to Give

Ways To Give

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2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
#803 Arlington, VA 22206