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Arizona Voter Contact Program

Fast Facts

Target regions: Phoenix, Tucson, Flagstaff & Prescott

Active Canvassers


299,508 Voter Homes Visited


Towards Our Goal of 450,000 Visits

Our Arizona Canvassers are Saying...

“She didn’t know about the candidates’ extreme views on abortion, so after hearing the facts about their records, she said she will not be voting for them.” - Nicole M., Arizona

“I met a woman who supports limits on abortion. I made sure she knew Gallego does not support any limits or her views and after hearing this she said “I was thinking about voting for him but after out conversation, I am reconsidering that.”” - Vangi, Phoenix, Arizona

“Met this completely pro-life woman! She told me she is totally against abortion and didn’t know about Gallego’s position on abortion and now will not be supporting him!” - Sue, South Phoenix, Arizona

“When I explained to this man that babies could feel pain during an abortion after 15 weeks, he decided he was against abortion after 15 weeks.” - Luke D. Arizona


The latest photos of our Arizona pro-life canvassers in action!

Ways to Give

Ways To Give

Donate By Phone


Donate By Mail

2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
#803 Arlington, VA 22206