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Ohio Voter Contact Program

Fast Facts

Target regions: Cincinnati, Dayton, Cleveland and Columbus

Active Canvassers


952,324* Voter Homes Visited


Towards Our Goal of 1,000,000 Visits

Our Arizona Canvassers are Saying...

“I spoke to 5 voters who were not aware of Sherrod Brown's extreme views on abortion. One said that was surprising because he is active in protecting animals. She admitted to voting for him in past, but said she will not be voting for him in 2024 now that she knows his stance on this issue.” - Belinda L., Dayton, Ohio

“I met a voter who told me that for a long time, he didn't vote, but he has since realized how important voting is. He voted in the primary and will vote this election. He hopes that many other people who haven't voted in the past see the importance of voting and go out to vote this election.” - Chelsea D., Cincinnati, Ohio

“I talked to Trey, his girlfriend, and his brother. All 3 of them support restrictions on late term abortions and were unaware of infanticide. They couldn’t believe anyone would want to kill a baby after they’ve already been born! They do not support Joe Biden or Sherrod Brown!” - Tanis L., Columbus, Ohio

“I met a woman named Shelly who is pro life, but who thought Sherrod Brown was a Republican. She was planning on voting for him. Luckily, we were there to let her know about Sherrod Brown’s extreme stance on abortion! She will now be voting against Brown and Biden!” - Joe C., Steubenville, Ohio


The latest photos of our North Carolina pro-life canvassers in action!

*505,434 visits were completed by the first week of November by our partner organization Protect Women Ohio Action. PWOA was on the ground informing voters of the radical pro-abortion ballot measure at issue on November 7. While the amendment became part of Ohio’s constitution, we believe our 2023 visits helped better inform pro-life Ohioans about the radical intentions of pro-abortion zealots.

Ways to Give

Ways To Give

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2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
#803 Arlington, VA 22206