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Become a Pro-Life Canvasser

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Get Paid to Advance the Pro-Life Cause

Join hundreds of pro-life Americans in your state and go door-to-door to educate voters on where the candidates stand on abortion.

The Job

The Job

Pro-Life Field Representatives go door-to-door in their community to conduct a simple survey on pro-life issues with voters.

The Pay

The Pay

Field Representatives are paid $10-$15 per hour depending on state and are reimbursed $0.30/mile for their travels. Hours are flexible (up to 40 hours per week).

The Details

The Details

Field Representatives must be 16 or older, able to abide by strict daily reporting requirements, and in harmony with a pro-life mission.

Apply to Become a Canvasser

2024 VCP

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Ways to Give

Ways To Give

Donate By Phone


Donate By Mail

2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
#803 Arlington, VA 22206