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Student Deployments

Fast Facts


Total Student Deployments Planned


Total Number of Student Canvassers Deployed


955,898 Voter Homes Visited


Exceeded Our Goal of 685,000 Visits!

Deploying College Students to Win Votes

College students are some of our most enthusiastic and energetic canvassers, and voters love meeting them. These passionately pro-life young people are truly a “secret weapon.” Our hundreds of active student canvassers each cycle come from over 46 universities and colleges across the country.

Student deployments often involve scores of students at any one time going into a neighborhood. This allows us to saturate a community and do so efficiently. We will invest just over $4 million this election cycle deploying students in key states. Each student is trained, compensated, and provided with transportation, lodging, and meals.

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What Happens During a Student Deployment?

We recruit our students by having members of our field team go to universities to identify our student SBA Pro-Life America ambassadors (typically previous canvassers) who help recruit their fellow students onto our team.

The student deployments, which are tailored to leverage student break schedules and the energy they impart to each other, center around 50-60 students flying or taking a bus into one of our target battleground states. Once on the ground, the students will work eight hours per day for four days canvassing our targeted voters.

In 2022, we met our goal of having students visit a total of 550,000 targeted voter homes and we have even more work to do during this election cycle. During the 2023-24 election cycle, SBA and WSO plan to launch 36 student deployments, comprised of 500-1000 student canvassers from 46 schools (and growing!), to visit 685,000 homes.

They Need You.

Our pro-life students are hitting the streets to be a voice for the voiceless. But they can’t do it alone… and we need to reach 10.8 million voters by election day. Will you stand with unborn babies – and with our courageous pro-life student canvassers – by making your most generous pro-life gift today?

Our Canvassers are Saying...


The latest photos of our student canvassers in action!

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2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
#803 Arlington, VA 22206