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Georgia Voter Contact Program

Fast Facts

Target region: Atlanta

Active Canvassers


98,792 Voter Homes Visited


Towards Our Goal of 250,000 Visits

Our Georgia Canvassers are Saying...

“This voter generally votes Democrat, but he was very friendly, and he was surprised to hear about Biden's extreme pro-abortion positions. So he moved from being "pro-Biden" to "unsure."” - John S., Atlanta, Georgia

“Had a great conversation with a voter who was put up for adoption because his mother couldn’t support him. He explained how he supported pro life for this very reason because there are much better alternatives than abortion if a mother can’t support their child.” - Tanner E., Georgia


The latest photos of our Georgia pro-life canvassers in action!

Ways to Give

Ways To Give

Donate By Phone


Donate By Mail

2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
#803 Arlington, VA 22206