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Montana Voter Contact Program

Fast Facts

Target regions: Billings, Bozeman, Missoula, Helena

Active Canvassers


24,101 Voter Homes Visited


Towards Our Goal of 150,000 Visits

Our Montana Canvassers are Saying...

“Had a lovely conversation with John and JoAnne they are dedicated to the pro-life cause because they have two adopted children.” - Melinda, Billings, Montana

“I met Thelma today. She feels strongly that abortion is murder. She will not vote for Tester or Biden and will definitely decline to sign” - Kathy, Billings, Montana


The latest photos of our Montana pro-life canvassers in action!

Ways to Give

Ways To Give

Donate By Phone


Donate By Mail

2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
#803 Arlington, VA 22206