What does it look like to care for moms and babies two years into this Dobbs era?
If you ask the abortion industry, they will most likely self-proclaim a focus on “empowering” women with the “right to choose.” But what’s the choice?
Research showing the reasons why women seek abortions can be summarized in the following categories: no plan, concern for health and well-being, can’t afford a baby or a baby interferes with education or career goals, need for material or legal help, a mental health issue or abusive partner, receiving a prenatal diagnosis, or the stress of parenting.
To these complex and very distinct reasons, the abortion industry has only one answer: abortion. Conveniently for them, this answer also comes with a price tag. It builds their bottom line and makes a profit, but that comes at the expense of the woman they claim to empower – and her unborn child…
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