For Immediate Release: May 3, 2023
Post-Dobbs Human Rights Advances Continue in the States
HELENA, Mont. – Gov. Greg Gianforte this afternoon signed five pro-life bills into law and celebrated five additional pro-life measures that are on their way to his desk. Among the newly passed legislation are measures to strengthen Montana’s law to prevent taxpayer funded abortions, require abortion providers to report women harmed by abortion pills, protect the lives of abortion survivors, require the licensing of abortion facilities, and create an adoption tax credit and a child tax credit for children under the age of six.
Gov. Gianforte called the suite of measures “pro-family, pro-child, pro-life bills” that will “make a lasting difference in Montana.” He highlighted SB 154 which clarifies that the right to privacy does not create a right to an abortion as one of the most important bills of the session saying, “For years in Montana, abortion activists have used the cloak of a shaky legal interpretation to advance their pro-abortion agenda. That stops today. No more.”
SBA Pro-Life America’s Western Regional Director Adam Schwend celebrated the news:
“We thank Gov. Gianforte and legislative leaders for establishing new protections for life and support for women that mirror the compassion of their constituents. Today’s advances in Montana are a part of an ongoing post-Dobbs trend to advance human rights in the states and provide mothers with more resources during pregnancy and after a child is born. This progress led by bold state leaders is saving tens of thousands of lives across our nation.”
The measures signed in Montana mirror the pro-life momentum seen in other states during the 2023 legislative session season. Today, a 12-week protection advanced in North Carolina; North Dakota Gov. Burgum signed a measure protecting babies at all stages last week; in Florida, Gov. DeSantis signed a heartbeat law last month; and a Wyoming measure prohibiting dangerous abortion pills was recently signed. Additionally, states with unborn protections already in place have enacted pro-life safety net measures this year. Mississippi Gov. Reeves signed eight measures to support mothers and West Virginia Gov. Justice established the Mothers and Babies Support Program to aid women in need by creating a funding mechanism for the state’s pregnancy help centers.
Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America is a network of more than one million pro-life Americans nationwide, dedicated to ending abortion by electing national leaders and advocating for laws that save lives, with a special calling to promote pro-life women leaders.
The SBA Pro-Life America National Pro-life Scorecard is a tool that helps hold members of Congress accountable for their legislative records on life and that highlights leadership in the fight to serve women and save babies.
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