WASHINGTON – Today the Susan B. Anthony List Candidate Fund, a national pro-life political action committee, announced its endorsement of MO-07 Congressman Roy Blunt, candidate for U.S. Senate in Missouri. SBA List Candidate Fund President Marjorie Dannenfelser said of the endorsement:
“The Senate is in great need of the pro-life statesmanship Roy Blunt has already proven time and again to possess. His commitment to rescind taxpayer funding of abortion in the federal health care legislation and in every aspect of federal spending is urgently needed in the coming Congress.”
According to recent Rasmussen Reports polling, 61 percent of Missourians favor repeal of the recently passed health care law which Blunt voted against as a member of Congress.
“Ironically, Roy Blunt represents women’s real views and needs on the issue of abortion far better than does his female opponent,” Dannenfelser said of EMILY’s List-endorsed candidate and vocal abortion supporter Robin Carnahan. SBA List’s endorsement of male candidates is rare as the group only endorses those opposing pro-choice women.
As Secretary of State in 2007, Carnahan misrepresented a ballot initiative to increase screening for coerced abortions by including in the summary language stating that the initiative included “banning abortions,” which increased the difficulty of gaining needed signatures for the petition. After receiving negative media attention and being accused of working closely with Planned Parenthood to craft the loaded summary, Carnahan later approved language indicating that the law did not intend to make currently lawful abortion, unlawful.
Congressman Blunt has been in Republican leadership in the House since 1997. He will face Robin Carnahan in the November general election to fill the open seat left by retiring GOP Senator Kit Bond.
Referring to the over $5.5 million raised by each candidate in the first filing quarter, Dannenfelser said, “With such high-dollar campaigns underway, it’s clear that Missouri will be a hard-fought battleground for the Life issue in the upcoming election. We need unwavering pro-life leadership like Roy Blunt’s, especially now that key battles like repealing the health care law lie ahead.”
CONTACT: Kerry Brown at (703) 470-1926 or [email protected]
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