Recently the North Dakota State University froze a $1.2 million federal grant it had received because the grant requires the university to team up with Planned Parenthood, America’s largest abortion provider, to implement a sex education program under Obamacare.
University officials are concerned that accepting the grant could potentially be a violation of state law, which forbids taxpayer funding of abortion businesses such as Planned Parenthood.
Now, Planned Parenthood and their allies are attacking the University for freezing the grant.
Planned Parenthood is the nation’s largest abortion business, performing almost 1 million abortions in the last three years alone. It received $534 million in taxpayer funding last year and currently boasts $87.4 million excess revenue, all while 91% of its pregnancy services accounted for abortion.
North Dakota State University must stand strong and reject this grant calling on the school to partner with Planned Parenthood!
Please encourage your family and friends to do the same!
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