The word is in – Congress plans on voting on health care reform this weekend. The bill is moving forward without explicit restrictions on abortion coverage. Democrats have put a rule in place to block debate on the the Pitts-Stupak Amendment, which would do just that. All this because they say the public is demanding health care reform now.
The Independent Women’s Forum released a new poll that reveals huge holes in the Democrats arguments. First, women are not demanding fast action, rather a well though-out plan. The poll, conducted among 800 registered female voters, found that 67% of women agreed that, “It is more important to get it done right than to get it done fast.”
Putting aside the Democrats penchant for quick action and no debate, they also claim that women are demanding abortion coverage in health care reform. Not so! According to the poll, 66% of women describe the quality of their health insurance as “excellent” or “good” and 74% use the same terms to describe the quality of their health care. That current care does not include government-subsidized abortion coverage. So if women are happy without government abortion coverage, how can they be simultaneously demanding it?
This poll is more proof to what we have long known: Women do NOT want abortion coverage in health care reform!
Call your Representative TODAY and tell them that abortion is not health care!
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