As a former woman legislator from the Mountain West, I could not be more enthusiastic about having Liz Cheney represent Wyoming in Congress.
When Susan B. Anthony List endorsed Liz, we knew she would be a breath of fresh air in Washington – a courageous, principled advocate. Liz isn’t shy about speaking the truth, and that includes standing up for the most innocent and vulnerable among us: unborn babies and expectant mothers.
“I believe deeply in pro-life values, and as the mother of five terrific kids, I live these values every day,” says Liz. “Washington’s priorities must be refocused in support of a culture that celebrates life, strengthens faith and sustains healthy families. As a pro-life, constitutional conservative in Congress I will fight for the sanctity of all human life, including the lives of the unborn, and I will lead the effort to see to it that Planned Parenthood is defunded, investigated and shut down.”
Liz has been outspoken about the scandal of Planned Parenthood trafficking in baby body parts. For Planned Parenthood, abortion, including late-term abortion, is big business. They play the victim, arguing that they provide so many valuable “services” besides abortion and that the shocking undercover videos exposing their horrific practices are nothing but a smear campaign. As if a $1,500 abortion can be compared to a $10 pregnancy test. As if someone forced Planned Parenthood executives to chat about techniques for crushing tiny bodies – the better to fetch the best price for babies’ organs – over salad and a glass of wine.
Liz Cheney will fight for Wyoming taxpayers, who deserve better than to have the same distant, out-of-touch politicians funnel their hard-earned tax dollars to Planned Parenthood year after year. Women want and need better and more comprehensive care than the narrow band of services Planned Parenthood offers. Liz’s primary opponent, Leland Christensen, cast the deciding vote against a pro-woman, pro-life ultrasound bill in the Wyoming State Senate. Ultrasound laws offer mothers the opportunity to see their unborn child before making a decision that will alter their lives forever. Similar laws are active in 25 states and are a vital part of the informed consent process. Wyoming would likely be the 26th state to have this law on the books if it weren’t for Senator Christensen’s obstruction. He had the chance to stand up for Wyoming women, and failed. There is no excuse for keeping women in the dark. No candidate knows that better than Liz Cheney.
Questioned about his record, Christensen touts his experience in office. Clearly he knows how the proverbial sausage is made – but do Wyoming voters want another sausage-maker representing them?
I urge the people of Wyoming to give Congress a much-needed priority check and send Liz Cheney to Washington. We are proud to endorse such a fearless champion of our great nation’s guiding principles, including protecting innocent life.
–Hon. Marilyn Musgrave is a former U.S. Congresswoman representing Colorado’s fourth congressional district and current Vice President of Government Affairs at Susan B. Anthony List. She oversees the SBA List National Pro-life Women’s Caucus, a network of women legislators from across the nation dedicated to advancing pro-life laws that save lives.
SBA Pro-Life America's mission is to end abortion by electing national leaders and advocating for laws that save lives, with a special calling to promote pro-life women leaders. Your secure gift today will help to advance a culture of life and protect unborn children and their mothers from abortion.