Following the release of Live Action’s latest undercover video, last night on Fox News Live Action’s Lila Rose went to head to head in a debate with Sally Kohn of the pro-abortion Movement Vision Lab. In the interview, Lila explained the investigation conducted by her organization, LiveAction, which showed Indiana Planned Parenthood (PP) staffers admitting that Medicaid-eligible women in the State will continue to have ready access to well woman care once Planned Parenthood is defunded by the State. Thus, she demonstrated that the claims made by PP President Cecile Richards of certain pandemonium for poor women if Planned Parenthood is defunded by the State were false.
Lila’s investigation corroborates the study done by Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels shortly before he signed the bill defunding PP, which also showed that Indiana’s poor women would see no interruption in their access to women’s health services once PP was defunded.
Lila also pointed out that PP would again be able to receive Medicaid payments if they chose to stop providing abortions. Instead, PP chose to sue the State of Indiana in order to block the law. Unfortunately, they have been successful in getting U.S. District Court Judge Tanya Walton Pratt to issue a preliminary injunction blocking the law. Indiana’s pro-life Attorney General Greg Zoeller filed an appeal shortly thereafter.
This proves that PP cares more about continuing to provide abortions than they do about actually caring for poor women.
The good people of Indiana should not be forced to subsidize the abortion industry in their State. Sign the petition at to tell President Obama and Congressional leaders that we do not want any of our tax dollars going to support the biggest abortion business in America.
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