Recently, Edwin Graning took a stand for life in Texas and lost his job as a result. In January 2010, Graning, when employed as a driver for a nine-county public transit system, was dispatched to transport two women to a Planned Parenthood clinic.
Being “an ordained Christian minister who is opposed to abortion,” Mr. Graning respectfully called his supervisor and explained that he, “in good conscience…could not take someone to have an abortion.”
Instead of simply dispatching another driver to transport the two women, Graning’s supervisor responded, “Then you are resigning.” After Mr. Graning assured his supervisor that he had no intention of stepping down, he was promptly fired.
The Statesman’s Steven Kreytak has reported that lawyers from the American Center for Law & Justice represented Graning in his religious discrimination suit. A pro-life victory was obtained when the transit system decided to settle out of court.
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