In a recent interview Dept. of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius hailed Senator Harry Reid’s abortion-funding language in the Senate bill. Secretary Sebelius explained how the women will have access to abortion funding through funds that EVERYONE will need to pay. From the video:
SEBELIUS: And I would say that the Senate language, which was negotiated by Senators Barbara Boxer and Patty Murray, who are very strong defenders of women’s health services and choices for women, take a big step forward from where the House left it with the Stupak amendment, and I think do a good job making sure there are choices for women, making sure there are going to be some plan options, and making sure that while public funds aren’t used, we are not isolating, discriminating against, or invading the privacy rights of women. That would be an accounting procedure, but everybody in the exchange would do the same thing, whether you’re male or female, whether you’re 75 or 25, you would all set aside a portion of your premium that would go into a fund, and it would not be earmarked for anything, it would be a separate account that everyone in the exchange would pay.
BLOGHER: It’s a bit confusing, but …
SEBELIUS: Okay. It is a bit confusing, but it’s really an accounting that would apply across the board and not just to women, and certainly not just to women who want to choose abortion coverage.
BLOGHER: Oh, that’s good, that’s good.
So, for all of the talk of “firewalls” and “separate accounts,” turns out the accounting gimmick that was supposed to please pro-lifers isn’t even real?
(HT: HotAir)
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