118th Congress (Current term)
Rep. Jake Ellzey
TX-06 (Republican)
Rep. Jake Ellzey
TX-06 (Republican)
Rep. Ellzey has stood up against the ever-growing pro-abortion agenda of the Biden-Harris administration and the radical bureaucrats who are actively working to expand abortion access, resources, and funding. Rep. Ellzey has voted consistently to defend the lives of the unborn and infants. This includes stopping hard-earned tax dollars from paying for abortion, including abortion travel expenses, whether domestically or internationally, and pushing back on the Biden-Harris administration’s extreme executive actions on abortion.
Scored Votes
Date | Vote | Score |
01/11/2023 |
H.R. 26, the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection ActWould reinforce the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act of 2002 by establishing affirmative federal protections for babies who are born alive after an attempted abortion. ROLL CALLREAD MORE |
01/11/2023 |
H.Con.Res.3, Expressing the sense of Congress condemning the recent attacks on pro-life facilities, groups, and churches.This resolution condemns attacks on pro-life facilities, groups, and churches and calls on the Biden administration to use appropriate law enforcement authorities to support their safety. ROLL CALLREAD MORE |
06/14/2023 |
Good Amendment #9 to H.R.277, REINS Act of 2023Would rein in executive actions by ensuring any such actions related to abortion would require Congressional approval before going into effect. ROLL CALLREAD MORE |
07/13/2023 |
Jackson-Roy Amendment #5 to H.R. 2670, National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024This amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act would roll back the Biden-Harris illegal DOD abortion travel policy issued under an October 2022 memorandum. ROLL CALLREAD MORE |
07/14/2023 |
H.R. 2670, National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024H.R. 2670, the National Defense Authorization Act as amended by the Jackson-Roy amendment would roll back the Biden-Harris administration’s illegal taxpayer funding for abortion travel through the Department of Defense. ROLL CALLREAD MORE |
09/20/2023 |
Democratic Motion to Instruct Conferees on H.R.2670 - National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024This procedural motion would instruct NDAA conferees to strike from the final NDAA the House adopted Jackson-Roy amendment, which prohibited funding for the Department of Defense’s illegal abortion travel policy. ROLL CALLREAD MORE |
09/28/2023 |
Procedural vote on H.R.4665 - Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2024This procedural motion offered by Democrats would have removed the pro-life language in the bill that prohibits funding to foreign NGO’s that perform or promote abortion overseas (known as the Global Protect Life Rule) ROLL CALLREAD MORE |
09/28/2023 |
Procedural vote on H.R.4365 - Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2024This procedural motion offered by Democrats would have removed the pro-life language in the bill that prohibits funding for the Biden-Harris administration’s illegal abortion travel policy through the Department of Defense. ROLL CALLREAD MORE |
09/28/2023 |
Procedural motion on H.R.4368 - Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2024This procedural motion offered by Democrats would have removed a critical pro-life provision from Chairman Andy Harris, MD (MD-01) to rein in the Biden-Harris administration’s dangerous and illegal mail order abortion policy. ROLL CALLREAD MORE |
01/18/2024 |
H.R. 6914, Pregnant Students' Rights ActAmends the Higher Education Act to ensure students at colleges and universities are informed of the rights and the resources available to pregnant and parenting students, before they might need such resources. ROLL CALLREAD MORE |
01/18/2024 |
H.R. 6918, Supporting Pregnant and Parenting Women and Families ActProhibits the Department of Health and Human Services from finalizing, implementing, or enforcing any proposed rule that would discriminate against pregnancy centers and make them ineligible for federal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) funding. ROLL CALLREAD MORE |
06/13/2024 |
Van Duyne Amendment No. 55 to H.R.8070, National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2025This amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act would roll back the Biden-Harris illegal DOD abortion travel policy issued under an October 2022 memorandum. ROLL CALLREAD MORE |
07/11/2024 |
H.J.Res.165, Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Department of Education relating to "Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex in Education Programs or Activities Receiving Federal Financial Assistance."H. J. Res. 165 expresses congressional disapproval of a Biden-Harris Administration Title IX rule that seeks to promote a pro-abortion agenda rather than focus on the true purpose of Title IX to protect pregnant and parenting students. ROLL CALLREAD MORE |
Tracked Activity: Bills Cosponsored & Letters Cosigned
As of January, 2024
Date | Vote | Score |
04/14/2023 |
Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine v. U.S. Food and Drug Administration SCOTUS Amicus BriefThis pro-life amicus brief asks the Supreme Court of the United States to deny a stay on a 5th Circuit ruling that would have returned chemical abortion drugs to the 2016 safety protocols, ending reckless and illegal mail-order abortion. READ MORE |
08/10/2023 |
H.R. 7, No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act of 2023 - CosponsorshipWould codify the Hyde amendment, ensuring that no federal funds could be used for abortions or to subsidize health plans that include abortion coverage. READ MORE |
01/20/2023 |
H.R. 427, the Support and Value Expectant (SAVE) Moms and Babies Act of 2023 - CosponsorshipWould prohibit the FDA from removing safety regulations for abortion drugs, stop abortion drugs from being dispensed remotely through the mail or via telemedicine, and prevent any future FDA approvals of new chemical abortion drugs. READ MORE |
117th Congress
Rep. Jake Ellzey
TX-06 (Republican)
Rep. Jake Ellzey
TX-06 (Republican)
Jake Ellzey was sworn in on July 30, 2021, after being elected in a special election to fill the seat of the late Congressman Ron Wright.
Scored Votes
Date | Vote | Score |
04/14/2021 |
Discharge Petition on H.R. 619, the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection ActThis is a procedural effort to force Speaker Nancy Pelosi to discharge protections for abortion survivors from committee and bring it to the floor for a vote. If 218 members of Congress sign the discharge petition, Speaker Pelosi must bring the Born-Alive bill up for a vote. SBA Pro-Life America SUPPORTED ROLL CALLREAD MORE |
08/24/2021 |
H.R. 4, the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2021Would enact a federal takeover of election laws, by requiring an unconstitutional preclearance of any changes to state election laws. SBA Pro-Life America OPPOSED ROLL CALLREAD MORE |
09/24/2021 |
H.R. 3755, the Women's Health Protection Act of 2021Would expand abortion access, prohibit enforcement of state and federal pro-life laws, and prevent future pro-life laws. SBA Pro-Life America OPPOSED ROLL CALLREAD MORE |
10/26/2021 |
H.R. 2119, the Family Violence Prevention and Services Improvement ActExpands violence prevention funding to include health services without Hyde protections. SBA Pro-Life America OPPOSED ROLL CALLREAD MORE |
11/19/2021 |
H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better ActWould hugely expand taxpayer funding of abortion through public health funding without Hyde protections and imposes an abortion mandate for Medicaid-gap populations. SBA Pro-Life America OPPOSED ROLL CALLREAD MORE |
07/15/2022 |
Procedural Vote on H.R. 8296, the Women’s Health Protection Act of 2022 (Born-Alive MTR)This procedural vote offered by Republicans sought to amend the Democratic abortion bill (more aptly named the Abortion on Demand Until Birth Act) to protect infants born alive after botched abortions. SBA Pro-Life America SUPPORTED ROLL CALLREAD MORE |
07/15/2022 |
H.R. 8296, the Women’s Health Protection Act of 2022Better described as the Abortion on Demand Until Birth Act, this bill would expand abortion access, prohibit enforcement of state and federal pro-life laws, and prevent future pro-life laws. SBA Pro-Life America OPPOSED ROLL CALLREAD MORE |
07/15/2022 |
Procedural Vote on H.R. 8297, the Ensuring Women’s Right to Reproductive Freedom Act (Parental Involvement MTR)This procedural vote offered by Republicans sought to amend the Democratic abortion bill to protect children from being transported across state lines for abortion without parental consent. SBA Pro-Life America SUPPORTED ROLL CALLREAD MORE |
07/15/2022 |
H.R. 8297, the Ensuring Women’s Right to Reproductive Freedom ActWould allow rogue abortionists, traffickers, and child predators to transport victims to another state for abortion. SBA Pro-Life America OPPOSED ROLL CALLREAD MORE |
07/20/2022 |
H.R. 8294, Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2023Funding package that includes the Financial Services and General Government spending bill and would remove longstanding legacy pro-life protections. SBA Pro-Life America OPPOSED ROLL CALLREAD MORE |
07/21/2022 |
H.R. 8373, the Right to Contraception ActBetter described as the Payouts for Planned Parenthood Act, this bill would ensure federal funding for abortion providers and trample conscience protections for health care providers and could mandate access to dangerous abortion drugs. SBA Pro-Life America OPPOSED ROLL CALLREAD MORE |
08/12/2022 |
H.R. 5376, the Inflation Reduction ActWould extend the expanded Obamacare subsidies, which include coverage of elective abortion. SBA Pro-Life America OPPOSED ROLL CALLREAD MORE |
12/21/2022 |
H.Res. 1529, Providing for adoption of H.Res. 1434Congressional statement that FDA decisions regarding the abortion drug (mifepristone) should be used to override pro-life laws that have protected women and unborn children from dangerous chemical abortion drugs. SBA Pro-Life America OPPOSED ROLL CALLREAD MORE |
Tracked Activity: Bills Cosponsored & Letters Cosigned
As of January, 2022
Date | Vote | Score |
01/28/2021 |
H.R. 554, the Support and Value Expectant Moms and Babies ActWould prohibit the FDA from approving mail-order do-it-yourself abortions. SBA Pro-Life America SUPPORTED COSPONSORSHIP READ MORE |
02/05/2021 |
H.R. 18, the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure ActWould codify the Hyde amendment, ensuring that no federal funds could be used for abortions or to subsidize health plans that include abortion coverage. SBA Pro-Life America SUPPORTED COSPONSORSHIP READ MORE |
02/15/2021 |
H.R. 1080, the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection ActWould protect unborn children halfway through pregnancy based on their ability to feel excruciating pain. SBA Pro-Life America SUPPORTED COSPONSORSHIP READ MORE |
02/02/2021 |
H.R. 705, Heartbeat Protection Act of 2021This bill would protect unborn children when their heartbeats can be detected. SBA Pro-Life America SUPPORTED COSPONSORSHIP READ MORE |
09/13/2022 |
H.R. 8814, Protecting Pain-Capable Unborn Children from Late-Term Abortions ActThis bill would protect unborn children at 15 weeks, the point by which science undeniably proves they can feel pain. SBA Pro-Life America SUPPORTED COSPONSORSHIP READ MORE |