With Inauguration Day just under a week away, the Senate kicks off confirmation hearings today for a slate of Trump cabinet nominees (find the full schedule here). Many of these nominees will be responsible for implementing the president’s pro-life vision throughout the departments and agencies that have significant day-to-day impacts on the lives of unborn children and their mothers.
In particular this week, we are closely watching these three cabinet positions that shape key policies related to life:
In his 2024 bestseller “The War on Warriors,” Hegseth excoriated the Biden administration’s illegal policy of using VA hospitals as abortion centers and paying for abortion travel:
When the Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade in the summer of 2022, the Biden administration frothed into a panic and took steps to work around the near forty-year moratorium on government-funded abortions at both the VA and the Department of Defense…The VA contends that female veterans with PTSD are more likely to have…complex pregnancies, higher rates of gestational diabetes, and pre-eclampsia. So you are probably better off just, you know, aborting them.
As defense secretary he will have the opportunity to roll back the DOD abortion travel funding policy.
Expect Republicans to call for rolling back Biden’s illegal encroachments and a return to following longstanding federal law. Meanwhile, we predict Democrats will accuse President Trump and Republicans of denying female servicemembers and veterans “health care” (abortion), along with their mainstay – spreading dangerous falsehoods about women’s ability to receive care for a miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy or other serious medical conditions in states with pro-life laws.
Pam Bondi was Florida’s attorney general from 2011-2019, the first woman to serve in that role. She is a founding member of SBA’s National Pro-Life Women’s Caucus. NARAL – which has long since stopped calling itself “pro-choice” – isn’t happy Bondi defended Florida’s law requiring a 24-hour reflection period prior to an abortion.
Here is Bondi in her own words on what drives her pro-life convictions – including a reference to research showing more than 60% of women who had abortions experienced high levels of external pressure to do so:
Republicans will be interested in how Bondi can de-weaponize the Justice Department post-Garland and Wray. Eliminating Biden DOJ’s ideologically driven “Reproductive Rights Task Force” and supporting Trump actions to free the peaceful pro-life protestors unjustly jailed under the FACE Act would be a good start. We hope they’ll also discuss stopping violations of the Hyde policy and picking up the stymied investigation of potential federal abortion crimes in the case of the D.C. Five babies.
Rubio is a longtime SBA ally and champion of unborn children and their mothers. In his last election, he achieved a 16-point victory while advocating national protections for unborn children and drawing contrast with his opponent’s extremism. In the Senate, time after time, he was a leader in introducing comprehensive legislation to support and empower moms in need. He is eminently qualified to represent the priorities of a pro-life administration in foreign policy.
Actions that a Rubio-led State Department could take, and that Republicans may raise, include:
The Geneva Consensus Declaration was a landmark achievement between the United States, led by President Trump and his first administration, and more than 30 nations affirming the right to life and rejecting abortion on demand. Regrettably, Biden and Harris unilaterally withdrew from it and made our nation a global exporter of abortion. We should stand with the international community for life again.
Altogether, an administration that respects the right of sovereign nations to protect women and children and ends the U.S. status as a global abortion exporter will be a welcome change.
Planned Parenthood KILLED 390,000 innocent unborn Americans in 2023. Meanwhile, they take $2 MILLION of your tax dollars. Every. Single. Day. This madness has to stop. Contact your U.S. Representative now (takes 30 seconds) and tell them to Defund Planned Parenthood NOW!
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