FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 29, 2020 |
CONTACT: Mallory Quigley [email protected], 202-223-8073 |
SBA List Praises AG Cameron & Local Allies Fighting to Uphold Compassionate, Bipartisan State Law
Washington, D.C. – The national pro-life group Susan B. Anthony List (SBA List) today praised efforts by Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron and state legislators to stop live dismemberment of unborn children at the conclusion of oral arguments before a panel of the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in the case of EMW v. Friedlander.
The Human Rights of Unborn Children Act (H.B. 454) was authored by former State Representative Addia Wuchner, a member of SBA List’s National Pro-Life Women’s Caucus. Signed into law in 2018 by then-Governor Matt Bevin after passing by an overwhelming bipartisan majority in the Kentucky legislature, it stops live dismemberment abortions after eleven weeks of pregnancy. EMW Women’s Surgical Center, Kentucky’s only abortion facility, immediately sued to overturn the law.
“We thank Attorney General Daniel Cameron and Kentucky lawmakers for their efforts to end the practice of live dismemberment abortion. Dismembering living babies in the womb, knowing they can feel excruciating pain, is cruel and inhumane,” said Sue Swayze Liebel, SBA List’s state policy director. “This issue transcends partisanship. Sadly it is no surprise that the abortion industry ran to the courts to fight this compassionate law. Attorney General Cameron is keeping his promise to uphold the will of Kentuckians and vigorously defend state law protecting unborn children and mothers, even under an extreme pro-abortion governor, and we are confident about the prospects of a just decision from the 6th Circuit.”
A new study in the Journal of Medical Ethics confirms that babies in the womb can feel pain at as early as 12 weeks.
SBA List is a network of more than 837,000 pro-life Americans nationwide, dedicated to ending abortion by electing national leaders and advocating for laws that save lives, with a special calling to promote pro-life women leaders.
The SBA Pro-Life America National Pro-life Scorecard is a tool that helps hold members of Congress accountable for their legislative records on life and that highlights leadership in the fight to serve women and save babies.
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