A new paper released today by the Charlotte Lozier Institute (the education and research arm of the Susan B. Anthony List) details the taxpayer subsidization of abortions enabled by the Multi-State Plans (MSP) created by the Affordable Care Act.
Chuck Donovan, president of the Lozier Institute, lays out research to prove that, through the MSPs, between 71,000 and 111,500 abortions per year will be heavily subsidized by taxpayers via federal premium tax credits and Medicaid expansion.
“The issue of whether the Affordable Care Act creates streams of taxpayer funding for abortion has been hotly debated,” said Donovan, when releasing the paper. “Research done by the Lozier Institute makes clear that, through the Multi-State Plans alone, Americans will be complicit in the deaths of thousands of unborn children each year through their tax dollars.”
Yesterday in a piece at NRO’s The Corner, Donovan also pointed out that via the “Navigator program,” the Obama Administration is paying America’s largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood, to funnel consumers towards abortion-funding plans in the MSPs.
“We have passed the law and now we are beginning to find out what is really in it,” concluded Donovan.
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