CONTACT: Mallory Quigley, 703-380-6674
Bachmann will Continue Legacy of Protecting Women and Unborn
Washington, DC ─ Tonight the Susan B. Anthony List Candidate Fund, a national pro-life political action committee, praised Minnesota voters in the Sixth Congressional District for nominating Rep. Michele Bachmann for re-election.
“Michele Bachmann is one of the most outspoken and passionate advocates for unborn children and women we have in Congress. A pro-woman champion in the mold of Susan B. Anthony, her perseverance in defending women from the tragedy of abortion is an invaluable asset to the pro-life cause,” said Susan B. Anthony List President Marjorie Dannenfelser. “Michele is a pro-life leader on the national stage and has been a champion for Life, especially when it comes to fighting to end taxpayer funding of abortion, defund Planned Parenthood, and protect unborn girls from sex-selective abortion. We know she will continue to serve the unborn and women of Minnesota in the U.S. House after her November victory.”
In 2010, Bachmann won the SBA List 2010 Distinguished Leader Award for her consistent advocacy for unborn children and women in Congress.
Michele and her husband Marcus, have five children and have also served as foster parents to over 23 at-risk teens, which has inspired Congresswoman Bachmann to become one of Congress’ leading advocates for foster and adopted children, earning her bipartisan praise for her efforts.
During the 2010 election cycle, SBA List spent $11 million and was involved in 90 races, 62 of which resulted in victories. Successes included: defeating 15 of 20 so-called “pro-life” Democrats who voted for abortion funding in the health care reform bill, increasing the number of pro-life women in the House by 70 percent, filling the void of pro-life women in the U.S. Senate and increasing the number of pro-life women governors from one to four.
The Susan B. Anthony List, and its connected Political Action Committee, the SBA List Candidate Fund, are dedicated to electing candidates and pursuing policies that will reduce and ultimately end abortion. To that end, the SBA List will emphasize the election, education, promotion, and mobilization of pro-life women.
The SBA Pro-Life America National Pro-life Scorecard is a tool that helps hold members of Congress accountable for their legislative records on life and that highlights leadership in the fight to serve women and save babies.
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