On July 30, 2013 in Wilmington, DE, three former Planned Parenthood of Delaware employees testified before a bipartisan panel of the Delaware state legislature. The two nurses and one former manager allege that:
• PPFA officials knew about improper, dangerous “after hours” abortions being performed by abortionist Eric Schaff without any support medical staff
• Failed to inform as many as 200 women of their positive tests for Gonorrhea and Chlamydia and failed to notify 87 women of the results of their colposcopies
• Placed patients in grave danger through poor care by assigning medical responsibilities to employees who had insufficient or no medical credentials
• Rushed through abortions at a speed that made patient safety unsustainable given the level of staff and medical expertise
• Denied the drug RhoGAM to low-income, Rh negative women who need it within the first 72 hours after an abortion to protect future pregnancies from greatly increased risk of stillbirth
FOX News Molly Henneberg covers the story and speaks with Susan B. Anthony List president Marjorie Dannenfelser.
Nurses Joyce Vasikonis and Jayne Mitchell-Werbrich previously testified to the “meat-market style assembly-line abortions” which led them to quit their jobs. Earlier this year, the Delaware State Board of Medical Licensure and Discipline filed a complaint against their former colleague, abortionist Timothy F. Liveright, calling him a “clear and immediate danger to the public” after he sent five women to the emergency room this year alone.
Learn more: www.sbaprolife.org/negligence
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