In Massachusetts, taxpayers are on the hook for funding a pro-abortion website, The state Department of Health gave the AIDS Action Committee a $100,000 grant in 2008 to produce the site. Essentially, the site informs impressionable girls that getting an abortion may be much easier than they have heard. Also, young girls are told that Planned Parenthood can assist them in avoiding the state’s parental notification law by helping them obtain a judicial exception. To make matters worse, adoptions are discouraged because they can be emotionally taxing—as if abortion isn’t!
Pro-life groups aren’t the only ones upset about the website being funded using taxpayer money. A group of sixty-three pro-life and pro-choice legislators sent a letter to Gov. Deval Patrick saying that the website should be drastically altered or all state funding should be immediately withdrawn. In fact, they suggest that the state should assist “in the removal of [the website] from the internet.” It should be noted that Gov. Patrick refused to take any action to either alter or eliminate state funding for the pro-abortion site.
Check out the article here.
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