If you haven’t already, be sure to check out SBA List President Marjorie Dannenfelser’s interviews with four candidates in the Republican National Committee Chair Race – Saul Anuzis, Gentry Collins, Reince Priebus, and Ann Wagner.
Everyone of these candidates brings a wealth of experience to the table, and each one expresses their pro-life views in these exclusive interviews.
The importance of electing a chairman committed to the pro-life cause cannot be overstated. The next chairman will determine the course for by which President Obama and his pro-abortion agenda can be defeated in 2012. With possible Supreme Court vacancies and the fact that the President would not have to worry about reelection after 2012, the prospects become very scary and very real.
We must make it clear that pro-lifers are vital to interests of the RNC, and that social conservatives are the ones who will win office and repeal the pro-abortion ObamaCare Americans are already dreading.
Don’t forget that the Susan B. Anthony List will be cosponsoring a debate for RNC Chair on January 3, 2011. Please vote for the following questions at www.RNCdebate.org:
“What is your position on restoring the Right to Life to unborn children, how has this view been shaped, and what specific experience do you have in fighting for the Right to Life?”
“As chairman, what specifically would you do differently than current and past administrations when it comes to the issues Life and Marriage? Will you highlight these two critical issues in political advertising programs?”
We must have these candidates supporting life on the record so that we can hold them accountable. We trust that they will all do what is necessary to ensure that our government is led by pro-life leaders for years to come.
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