Imagine having such an absolutist position on abortion that you feel it is your duty to attack community organizations that offer women free ultrasounds and strollers. Imagine being so comfortable in your government sinecure that you conclude public funds are best spent harassing doctors and nurses who work or volunteer in the provision of pregnancy help for the poor. Imagine having so little regard for equal justice under law that you will send armed FBI agents to arrest a father of seven who protested outside an abortion facility, but disregard dozens of attacks causing millions of dollars in damage to pregnancy resource centers and churches.
Well, no imagination is needed, because these exact travesties are happening right now under state and federal regimes that like to think of themselves as liberal.
Here are some examples just from the past two years.
In 2022, two researchers at the University of Georgia College of Public Health devised a map that shows where pregnancy centers can be found, under a derisive rubric that reads, “CPC Map identifies crisis pregnancy centers (also known as ‘fake women’s health centers’) in your area. CPCs primarily aim to prevent people from having abortions.” Setting aside this crude description of the centers’ support services, vandals have used the map to encourage and conduct violent attacks on these nonprofits.
In June of that year, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), a breathless warrior against pregnancy centers and their effrontery in offering women prenatal care and baby clothing, joined Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) and others in introducing a bill requiring the Federal Trade Commission to “crack down” (Warren’s words, used three times in one release) on the centers because they do not offer abortion to the clients who come through their doors…
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