The New York Times has demonstrated on numerous occasions a willingness to bend or abandon the truth, especially when doing so might further leftists’ political agendas…
Pro-life groups were quick to hammer the Times over its latest publication of fake news and its corresponding attempt to obfuscate a damning truth.
In a letter shared with Blaze News, Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America President Marjorie Dannenfelser told the executive and political editors of the New York Times that “while abortion remains an issue that evokes strong opinions, feelings, and reactions, such personal perceptions cannot overtake journalists’ obligation to report fairly, accurately, and impartially.”
Highlighting information the Times apparently decided to gloss over, Dannenfelser noted that “the Times has an obligation to report this evidence, cite the facts, and allow readers to come to their own conclusion without the interference of bias, omission, or misinformation that has often characterized your coverage of the issue.”
Among the articles Dannenfelser raised concern about was Times health policy writer Sheryl Gay Stolberg’s Jan. 24 article, in which Stolberg stated that Trump “repeated false claims about abortion rights” in his video address to pro-life advocates at the 52nd March for Life, singling out his suggestion that Democrats are pushing “for a federal right to unlimited abortion on demand up to the moment of birth and even after birth.”…
When the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, our movement was given a historic opportunity. But the battle for life became much more difficult.
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