For too long, Planned Parenthood has gotten away with destroying millions of unborn lives while benefiting from a slush fund of billions in taxpayer dollars their political allies have funneled their way. But thanks to the persistence of pro-life leaders and advocates, over time, the corruption beneath the abortion giant’s pink fonts and progressive spokeswomen has been exposed.
Enough is enough. Here are five main reasons Planned Parenthood doesn’t deserve a cent of American taxpayers’ hard-earned money.
Abortion is tragically the leading cause of death in the United States, and Planned Parenthood alone carried out nearly 393,000 abortions or over 42% of U.S. abortions according to its last annual report. As of 2022, just the abortions performed at Planned Parenthood would make up the third leading cause of death.
Meanwhile, Planned Parenthood receives $699.3 million or almost $2 million per day in taxpayer dollars, a combination of federal funds from programs like Medicaid and Title X and state taxpayer funding in as many as 17 states as well. Taxpayer funds make up more than a third of Planned Parenthood’s overall revenue, with the amount of funding increasing 43% since 2010. This, despite the strong majority of Americans opposing taxpayer funds for abortion.
Because money is fungible, when taxpayers are forced to cover abortion businesses’ utilities, office expenses, etc., they’re in essence being forced to prop up their business so they can perform millions of abortions.
President Trump’s Global Protect Life Rule puts a stop to this overseas and reinstating his domestic Protect Life Rule would help put a stop to it here at home.
We must remember that Planned Parenthood is not only America’s largest abortion chain, but also powerful, radical left activists who funnel millions of dollars to defeat their political opponents in the polls. Planned Parenthood Action spent a record-breaking $69.5 million during the 2024 election cycle alone.
Planned Parenthood doesn’t deserve our tax dollars because they have a deep financial incentive to push for abortion on demand.
A recent New York Times report covered shocking examples of poor patient care at the abortion chain’s facilities, from failing to tell clients about positive STD tests to accidentally placing an IUD in a pregnant woman, killing her baby, and more.
The article uncovers how Planned Parenthood has prioritized lobbying for abortion over providing real and quality healthcare for years and that their patients have suffered because of it.
Planned Parenthood markets itself as being the “nation’s leading provider and advocate of high-quality, affordable sexual and reproductive health care for all people.” In reality, Planned Parenthood is the nation’s leading provider and advocate of abortion on demand.
When a pregnant woman walks into a Planned Parenthood, 97% of the time she’s sold an abortion and leaves without her child – rather than given help to keep her child or make an adoption plan. This means that less than 3% of Planned Parenthood’s pregnancy resolution care involves prenatal services, miscarriage care or adoption referrals.
For every adoption referral in 2021-22, Planned Parenthood performed 228 abortions. According to data from Planned Parenthood’s own annual reports, since 2010, total services are down 17.0%. Total cancer screening/prevention services are down 71%. Prenatal services are down 80% from their peak in 2009. Even their provision of contraception has gone down 39%. In fact, Planned Parenthood gets more taxpayer money than ever while seeing fewer and fewer patients overall.
As one Planned Parenthood staffer admitted to a caller asking about prenatal care, “No, we don’t do prenatal services. I mean, it’s called Planned Parenthood, I know, it’s kind of deceiving.”
When Leana Wen, only the second doctor to lead Planned Parenthood in its history, tried to put more focus on offering health care than on abortion, she was pushed out and replaced with a political activist.
Planned Parenthood doesn’t deserve our tax dollars when they primarily offer abortions and harm women by prioritizing politics over quality health care.
A study by Loyola University Chicago’s Beazley Institute found that Planned Parenthood was one of the top most-visited facilities for trafficking victims, second only to hospital emergency rooms. When asked why traffickers chose Planned Parenthood, one survivor said, “Because they didn’t ask any questions.”
Planned Parenthood was sued by the State of Missouri after an employee was caught on video offering to help a man transport a 13-year-old girl to a facility out of state for an abortion, saying, “We never tell the parents anything. She’s an adult in our [facilities].”
On their website, Planned Parenthood says to “beware of anti-abortion crisis pregnancy centers.” Planned Parenthood disparages pregnancy resource centers, yet they show a pattern of refusing to follow the law and report suspected trafficking and sex abuse – they even offer to provide cover.
Planned Parenthood doesn’t deserve our tax dollars when they fail time after time to stand up for trafficked women and girls.
Planned Parenthood was investigated by Congress and referred for potential criminal charges for its role in the illegal harvest and sale of body parts from aborted babies.
David Daleiden and brave citizen journalists at the Center for Medical Progress recorded hundreds of hours of undercover videos in which Planned Parenthood workers describe, in the most blunt and callous terms, crushing babies’ bodies with special techniques to harvest the most valuable, fresh organs.
In one of these videos, Dr. Ann Schutt-Aine, the chief medical officer of Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast said, “[Y]ou told me about the proposition, and so now every time a do a D&E [dilation and evacuation/dismemberment abortion], I’m like, ‘Oh there’s some lungs, there’s some kidneys.”
In this same conversation, Tram Nguyen, the branch’s “Vice President of Abortion Access,” said, “I’m like, ‘Yeah, I have like a leg for you!’ I’m like, oh sh**, if other people were to hear me, they’d be like, you are f***ing evil.”
In another video, Planned Parenthood entertains a “financial incentive” of $1,000-$1,500 per liver.
One of Planned Parenthood’s buyers even admitted in court to trading in fully intact bodies, possibly of babies born alive.
As famous surgeon Ben Carson remarked, “If it’s not a human being, why are you harvesting organs from it?”
Planned Parenthood doesn’t deserve our tax dollars after the horrific findings of their illegal harvesting and sale of baby body parts.
Planned Parenthood was founded by Margaret Sanger, an ardent believer in eugenics. She described her goal as “the gradual suppression, elimination and eventual extinction, of defective stocks – those human weeds which threaten the blooming of the finest flowers of American civilization.” This included the poor, people with disabilities – anyone she and other eugenicists disgustingly considered “inferior.”
Though Sanger died before Roe v. Wade, her legacy continues today as “79% of Planned Parenthood’s surgical abortion facilities are strategically located within walking distance of African American and/or Hispanic communities.” Small wonder that, tragically, black and Hispanic women have the highest rates of abortion despite making up smaller shares of the U.S. female population.
Planned Parenthood doesn’t deserve our tax dollars when they profit from exploiting and harming minority communities.
Planned Parenthood KILLED 390,000 innocent unborn Americans in 2023. Meanwhile, they take $2 MILLION of your tax dollars. Every. Single. Day. This madness has to stop. Contact your U.S. Representative now (takes 30 seconds) and tell them to Defund Planned Parenthood NOW!
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