President Joe Biden’s latest reelection campaign ad, Willow’s Box, highlights the story of Amanda Zurawski, a Texas woman whose traumatic pregnancy loss made national news after her hospital neglected to give her the emergency care she needed, resulting in her needing two stays in the intensive care unit.
Certainly, Ms. Zurawski’s ordeal presents a harsh reminder of our healthcare system’s serious faults. However, Biden’s ad twists this story to promote a pro-abortion agenda at the expense of important medical and legal facts.
In this ad, written commentary appears between video shots of Ms. Zurawski and her husband tearfully displaying the contents of a box of items they bought for their pre-born daughter, Willow.
In 2022, Willow tragically passed away when Ms. Zurawski suffered premature pre-labor rupture of membranes, or PPROM, at eighteen weeks gestation; that is, her water broke in the middle of her second trimester. As an OB hospitalist, I have cared for dozens of women facing this complication. In such cases, it is crucial for a woman’s medical team to closely monitor her, specifically for signs of infection, which can spread rapidly and result in sepsis. This is exactly what happened to Ms. Zurawski — only it appears she was not monitored closely enough…
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