Scientific research, once a safe haven for facts and inquiry, is the latest victim of cancel culture after an academic publishing company, Sage, retracted three research studies that do not fit a pro-abortion political narrative.
The most prominent of these studies considered whether women who have induced abortions are more likely to end up in the emergency room. To answer this timely question, a team of credentialed doctors and researchers carefully examined and analyzed state Medicaid claims data. The results are staggering. The study found that the rate of abortion-related emergency room visits among Medicaid-eligible women who underwent the abortion drug regimen increased over 500 percent from 2002-2015.
Recognizing the significance of these findings, the authors submitted the study to Sage. In their submission, the study authors disclosed their organizational affiliations and willingly submitted to Sage’s protocol of a double-anonymized review of their work, meaning that neither the authors nor the reviewers knew each other’s identities – only Sage knew.
Roe v. Wade is gone. But Big Abortion has struck back with an epidemic of abortion drug use —silent, seductive, and more dangerous than any other form of abortion.
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