President Biden’s State of the Union address is set to be the most pro-abortion speech by any modern president. Bringing a slew of abortion-related guests, including abortion business owners, abortion activists and at least one actual abortionist, Democrats will paint a dark and fearful – not to mention one-sided and misleading – picture of life in America after Dobbs.
Follow along with SBA Pro-Life America and Charlotte Lozier Institute on social media for SOTU analysis throughout today and tomorrow. We will be sharing many stories that Biden and the Democrats refuse to tell, plus much-needed light and hope.
How many people can say that their life inspired both a book by a Pulitzer Prize-winning author and a film starring Brendan Fraser, Keri Russell and Harrison Ford? Megan Crowley, along with her family, can. Megan and her brother Patrick both have Pompe disease, “a rare (estimated at 1 in every 40,000 births), inherited and often fatal disorder that disables the heart and skeletal muscles.” Without treatment, babies often die before age 2.
Megan writes at RealClearPolicy today:
I’ve lived 27 joyful years. I defied expectations by achieving my bachelor’s degree from the University of Notre Dame in 2019 and receiving my master’s in social work at UNC Chapel Hill in 2021. All the while in a wheelchair and needing a ventilator to breathe. Now I work full-time for Make-A-Wish New Jersey as Assistant Director of Mission Integration.
Even if I didn’t go to college or have a great job, my life would still be worth living…My parents’ love and support contrasts sharply with the media’s narrative that disability is a death sentence – a narrative already disproven by advances in medicine and technology that are actively increasing rates of survival for babies with life-threatening conditions. Moreover, contrary to popular fearmongering, most fetal conditions don’t endanger moms.
Tragically, President Biden and pro-abortion Democrats are stoking panic and fear throughout the nation to garner support for their vision of abortion on demand, without limit – even up until the moment of birth.
Janet Durig, executive director of D.C.’s Capitol Hill Pregnancy Center, will attend the State of the Union as the guest of House Speaker Mike Johnson. The center, which has served women and families for nearly 40 years, provides free pregnancy tests, ongoing pregnancy support, prenatal and parenting classes; maternity and baby clothing and supplies; post-abortion individual peer support or small groups (PATH); and medical, legal, adoption, and housing referrals – all confidential and free of charge.
One morning after the leak of the draft Dobbs Supreme Court decision, Durig was alerted that the center had been vandalized, with bloody red paint splattered down the front door and the ominous spraypainted message, “JANE SAYS REVENGE.”
It was one of at least 88 known attacks on pregnancy centers and pro-life groups since the leak. And while just a few miles from the center and blocks from the White House is the notorious late-term abortion facility from which the bodies of the D.C. Five babies were recovered, instead of fully investigating and prosecuting these crimes, Biden’s politicized DOJ has sent armed agents to the home of a pro-life family and put nonviolent pro-life activists who expose the horrors of abortion in jail for up to 11 years. The Biden-Harris administration even wants to strip Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program (TANF) funding away from pregnancy centers.
“While the president and Democrats say they care about women, their actions speak otherwise.” – SBA Pro-Life America President Marjorie Dannenfelser in RealClearPolitics
SBA Pro-Life America’s new ad, which is airing today on Fox and CNN in the D.C. market, contrasts the pro-life safety net’s empowering support for mothers and children with the pro-abortion extremism of the Biden administration, asking a simple question: Who really cares?
Attending as a guest of Rep. Bob Good (R-VA) is Ryan Bomberger, an adoptee, adoptive father and activist whose birth mother courageously chose life after becoming pregnant from rape.
“I’m the 1% used to justify 100% of abortions,” [Bomberger] told The Daily Signal. “I was conceived in rape but adopted in love.”
“Planned Parenthood and their political allies don’t like my storyline, because it shatters their narratives of fear,” he added. “I am proof that triumph can rise from tragedy.”
As someone conceived in rape but adopted in love, I’m honored to be the guest of @RepBobGood (R-VA) at the #StateOfTheUnion tomorrow. The @DNC, @PPFA and their political allies hate that my life defies their fear narratives. No one is better off dead; we’re all better off loved.
— Ryan Bomberger (@ryanbomberger) March 6, 2024
Beverly Johnson, mom to Verity, founded Verity’s Village to provide practical support for families facing a life-limiting prenatal diagnosis. She recently told Fox News:
My daughter Verity is nearly seven years old and there are hundreds – maybe even thousands – of babies, children, teens and adults in the United States like her who are living with Trisomy 18. These sons and daughters are in no way ‘incompatible with life’ as the medical community often labels them, and families and communities are stronger and better because of these children.
It’s the unfortunate truth that many doctors push abortion to parents whose unborn children are diagnosed with a life-limiting condition. I hope lawmakers will do the compassionate thing by taking a stand for Verity and those like her who have Trisomy 18 or other disabilities so they will not be targeted to an even greater extent for painful, late-term abortion.
Mary: “We had nine minutes with [our baby] and every minute was surrounded by love…reject fear and spend every minute you can with your loved one. Fight for every heartbeat and you will have peace, I promise.”
Chelsey: “On May 4th, 2022, my son Dallas Austin was born with non-serious liver calcifications that, contrary to everything we were told in that first appointment, have gone away completely on their own. Now Dallas is a feisty, redheaded 22-month-old who loves Hot Wheels, hiding from his blind mommy and blowing kisses.”
Suzanne: “Over 26 years ago, three doctors insisted that the only choice for our daughter with a prenatal diagnosis was abortion…no child should be given a death sentence just because of a prenatal diagnosis…both patients must be fought for.”
Jenny: “I have yet to meet a family that regretted choosing life, if only to hold their child for a matter of moments, hours, or days.”
The majority of American voters believe that unborn babies should be protected from being aborted when they can feel pain by as early as 15 weeks. As pro-life Americans, we cannot allow this killing of unborn babies to continue.
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