April 6, 2009
From The Hill:
“[W]hen presented with a chance to attack President Obama’s nominee last week, Republican senators passed. During her appearances before the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) and Finance committees, Sebelius did not field a single question about abortion or her unpaid taxes.
Conservative groups that oppose Sebelius’s confirmation are displeased with their erstwhile allies in the Senate – and say they will make their voices heard while lawmakers are in their home states for the current two-week recess.
‘I think it’s appalling,’ said Marjorie Dannenfelser, the president of the Susan B. Anthony List, a fundraising operation for candidates who oppose abortion. ‘I think this is why Republicans are in the minority.’
‘They know we care and still there was nothing said,’ Dannenfesler said. ‘Mum was the word.’”
Read the whole article here.
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