WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today the Susan B. Anthony List Candidate Fund, a national pro-life political action committee, announced its endorsement of John Boozman, candidate for U.S. Senate in Arkansas.
“The Senate is in great need of the pro-life leadership John Boozman has proven time and again to possess. His commitment to rescind taxpayer funding of abortion in the federal health care legislation and in every aspect of federal spending is urgently needed in the coming Congress.”
Boozman was elected to the Arkansas U.S. House of Representatives in 2001 and has served on the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure and House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. As a member of the Values Action Team, a group of lawmakers working to produce pro-family and pro-life legislation, Boozman has promoted abortion alternatives by co-sponsoring and voting in favor of legislation banning partial birth abortion, expanding tax credits and other support for adoption and opposing RU-486.
“Ironically, John Boozman represents women’s real views and needs on the issue of abortion far better than does his female opponent,” Dannenfelser said.
Though she considers herself a “centrist” Democrat, Blanche Lincoln has a 0 percent NRLC rating in the 111th Congress and voted along party lines to rubber stamp the health care reform bill including taxpayer-funded abortion.
Polling consistently better among likely voters than Lincoln since the March 21 health care vote, Boozman’s favorability rating has more than doubled Lincoln’s in consecutive May 19 and June 15 Rasmussen Reports polls. He has been endorsed by the Arkansas Right to Life and will face Lincoln in the November general election.
The Susan B. Anthony List plans to spend $6 million on voter education in the midterm elections, including $3 million on key Senate races. The Susan B. Anthony List is a nationwide network of over 280,000 Americans, residing in all 50 states, dedicated to mobilizing, advancing, and representing pro-life women in politics. Its connected Candidate Fund increases the percentage of pro-life women in the political process.
For further information, please contact Kerry Brown at (703) 470-1926 or [email protected].
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