Contact: Ciara Matthews, (202) 630-7067
Groups Seek to Highlight Republicans’ Positions on Important Life, Marriage Issues
Washington, D.C. – Two of the country’s largest social conservative groups, the Susan B. Anthony List (SBA List) and the National Organization for Marriage (NOM), have announced a joint voter guide which was unveiled today at the Values Voter Summit in Washington, D.C.
Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the Susan B. Anthony List, a national pro-life organization explained the guide is designed to give Values Voter straw poll goers the information necessary to vote for the Republican Presidential candidate who is most in-line with the pro-life movement and the issues most important to their cause.
“Priority number one for the pro-life movement is defeating President Obama and replacing him with a pro-life president committed to advancing laws that will save lives,” said Dannenfelser. “Our goal is to ensure that Values Voter attendees know which candidates have made the commitment to be a pro-life leader in the White House, and where they stand on key priorities of the pro-life movement.”
Brain Brown, President of the National Organization for Marriage, also wants both candidates and voters to keep in mind the importance social issues, especially the support of traditional marriage, will play in this election.
“Americans care about marriage and about leaders with the courage to defend their values,” explained Brown. “This voter guide for life and marriage helps break through the clutter to show who has been willing to move beyond talk to making clear commitments to act to protect marriage. The marriage issue is going to play a bigger role in 2012 than last cycle because the differences between the party nominees will be so large and so clear.”
The voter guide lists the tenants of the pledges each organization circulated for all of the Republican candidates to sign.
The SBA List pledge asks signers to, among other things, actively work to defund Planned Parenthood and nominate only pro-life individuals to relevant cabinet-level positions. So far, Michele Bachmann, Newt Gingrich, Ron Paul, Rick Perry and Rick Santorum have signed the SBA List pledge with Herman Cain and Mitt Romney abstaining but vocalizing support for specific parts of the pledge.
The NOM pledge commits signers to, among other things, support a Constitutional amendment which would define marriage as a union between one man and one woman and defend the federal Defense of Marriage act. Thus far Michele Bachmann, Rick Perry, Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum have signed the NOM pledge with Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul abstaining.
The SBA Pro-Life America National Pro-life Scorecard is a tool that helps hold members of Congress accountable for their legislative records on life and that highlights leadership in the fight to serve women and save babies.
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