Today, a group of 28 U.S. Senators, led by Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) sent a letter to Donald Berwick, Medicaid Administrator, defending Indiana’s ban on taxpayer funds for abortion providers such as Planned Parenthood.
The Senators say Indiana’s law is consistent with the federal Medicaid statute, and defends the rights of states to manage their own Medicaid programs consistent with the wishes of their constituents.
As the fight for Indiana’s right to defund Planned Parenthood continues, it is critical that national leaders continue to stand up for the rights of the Hoosier state especially as numerous other state legislatures are working to pass similar legislation.
Thank you Senators Hatch, Grassley, Crapo, Kyl, Lee, DeMint, Paul, Johanns, Blunt, Inhofe, Coats, Risch, Hoeven, Ayotte, Moran, Burr, Graham, Sessions, Heller, Coburn, Roberts, Lugar, Thune, McCain, Corker, Barrasso, Cornyn, and Enz! These Senators join the members of the Indiana congressional delegation in standing up for Indiana and unborn children — the congressional delegation sent a letter to Secretary Sebelius earlier this week.
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