Over at the LifeNews blog, SBA List Communications Director Ciara Matthews writes:
It should come as no surprise that so little of the coverage of last night’s Republican presidential debate in Ames, Iowa, has involved talk of the pro-life issue. The economy and joblessness took center stage, and understandably so, as President Obama has clearly failed on his promise of immediate (despite his attempts to disown his earlier timeline) economic recovery.
Abortion was brought up early in the debate during a heated exchange between Congresswoman Bachmann and Gov. Pawlenty. However, direct questions and answers regarding the candidates’ positions on abortion took up a total of just three minutes and five seconds during the entire two-hour debate. Only two of the eight candidates were even asked about their views on the subject.
So what’s the take-home message here? That candidates’ positions on abortion are unimportant to voters and should be given little discussion time?
Republican primary voters have been given an impressive pool of staunchly pro-life candidates from whom to choose their next nominee. Each of the candidates who participated in last night’s debate has either gone on the record in defense of life or posted a strong voting record in support of the pro-life cause. In fact, only one detail really separates the candidates.
The Susan B. Anthony List Pro-Life Presidential Leadership Pledge has outlined four areas in which each candidate has been asked to be a leader and defender of the pro-life movement. These areas include: actively working to defund Planned Parenthood; advancing a Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act; naming only pro-life individuals to relevant cabinet positions; and nominating federal judges who will apply the original meaning of the Constitution to their decisions, rather than legislate from the bench.
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