Yesterday, on January 24th, I was able to join thousands of other pro-lifers from across the country to commemorate the 38th anniversary of Roe vs. Wade. Marchers included many college students like myself, including huge delegations from as far away as Tennessee and Texas, as well as groups of high schoolers from all over the country. I was so impressed by the number and diversity of youth in attendance, as well as the organization and dedication that must have been required to bring them all there! I saw vast groups of carefully chaperoned children as young as 5th or 6th grade.
In the pro-life struggle which often seems to be such a weary uphill climb, I felt deeply rejuvenated by the many touching spectacles all around me. I remember an elderly woman who sat alone on a park bench holding her sign, heavily bundled against the chilling cold. She may have been too frail to walk far, but the sight of her there was an inspiration to everyone who passed. I remember the kindly priests who softly prayed the rosary as they walked behind me, and I remember a young couple an adorable set of two-year-old triplets in a small wagon.
In the wake of horrific new stories such as the trial of Philadelphia abortionist and mass murderer Kermit Gosnell, the marchers spread a message of life and hope to Congress, commuters, and all who lived, worked, or traveled near the Capitol. I am confident that the message did not go unnoticed.
And while the national main stream media may have chosen not to cover the March, check out this great slide show from DC’s NBC station.
The SBA Pro-Life America National Pro-life Scorecard is a tool that helps hold members of Congress accountable for their legislative records on life and that highlights leadership in the fight to serve women and save babies.
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