As early as today, the Michigan State House will undergo historic voting in the largest collection of pro-life legislation in Michigan’s history. Michigan Right to Life has assembled seven pro-life bills into one piece of legislation: HB 5711, dubbed “Pro-Life Bus”. The seven pro-life bills include:
These bills are crucial for the unborn and their mothers. This bundle of bills is an attempt to produce one main “omnibus” bill and allows these seven pro-life bills to be voted on as a whole.
Pro-abortion activists led by Planned Parenthood are doing whatever it takes to stop this legislation from passing. They are urging lawmakers to vote against the “Pro-Life Bus” and are forcefully mobilizing against the bill. It is crucial that Michigan voters contact their legislator immediately and urge them to support HB 5711. This life-saving legislation is so critical and requires urgent action now. The unborn and their mothers deserve the protections afforded in the bill. The abortion industry has skirted common sense regulations and safety standards for far too long. Contact the Michigan legislature now!
Are you a Michigan voter? Click here to tell your State Representative to support HB 5711, the largest collection of pro-life legislation considered in Michigan history.
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