This week pro-life rock star and longtime friend of the Susan B. Anthony List Michele Bachmann announced that she will consider forming a presidential exploratory committee in the future, indicating that she may eventually run for president.
Michele and her husband Marcus, have five children. Michele and Marcus have also served as foster parents to over 23 at-risk teens, which has inspired Congresswoman Bachmann to become one of Congress’ leading advocates for foster and adopted children, earning her bipartisan praise for her efforts.
In 2010, Rep. Bachmann, won the SBA List 2010 Distinguished Leader Award (pictured), for her consistent advocacy for unborn children and women in Congress. She recently voted against all short-term Continuing Resolutions to fund the government because they included funding for the pro-abortion health care law and also failed to defund Planned Parenthood of the over $300 million in taxpayer dollars it receives per year.
The SBA Pro-Life America National Pro-life Scorecard is a tool that helps hold members of Congress accountable for their legislative records on life and that highlights leadership in the fight to serve women and save babies.
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