Today the Susan B. Anthony List announced its endorsement of Ken Cuccinelli for Governor of Virginia!
In announcing the endorsement, SBA List President Marjorie Dannenfelser said:
“Ken Cuccinelli’s record of fighting exploitation of the most vulnerable is not just a position that he takes, it is clearly an extension of who he is. Ken’s leadership in defending women against violence on campus and in fighting human trafficking in Virginia is entirely consistent with his stance in favor of protecting the innocent unborn.”
Despite his solid pro-life, pro-woman record, Ken Cuccinelli has already come under attack from the pro-abortion groups working closely with his opponent, Terry McAuliffe.
Groups like NARAL and Planned Parenthood—whose support Terry McAuliffe wholeheartedly embraces—support extreme policies that fall well outside the mainstream in Virginia and the country. So committed have these groups become to abortion at any stage for any reason that they refuse to support even the limits that overwhelming majorities embrace, such as bans on sex-selection abortion and late-term abortions past the point at which unborn children are known to feel pain. Never mind that national polling shows these regulations are supported by an astounding 77 and 63 percent of Americans, respectively —with support even higher among women.
Who’s the radical here? SBA List President Marjorie Dannenfelser continued:
“Like the vast majority of Virginians, we want abortion to be reduced, become rare, and ultimately become a thing of the past. Last year a handful of radical politicians, spurred by the nation’s largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood, abandoned the Democrats’ 15-year commitment to making abortion rare. They want to expand it, protect it up to the moment of childbirth, allow it for sex selection, and send the bill for it to taxpayers, business men and women, and even churches. That Planned Parenthood, which profits from a record number of abortions each year, would want this is clear enough. It’s not at all clear why Terry McAuliffe, who has authorized Planned Parenthood’s baseless smears on Ken Cuccinelli, would associate himself with such a radical and greed-driven agenda.”
Ken Cuccinelli’s leadership in defending the unborn, defending women against violence on campus and in fighting human trafficking in Virginia, on the other hand, is a mainstream agenda that all women in Virginia can support.
As a student at the University of Virginia, Ken helped establish the student-led group, Sexual Assault Facts and Education (SAFE) after hearing a fellow student being attacked. Ken helped organize the successful student protests that led to the university employing a full time sexual assault education coordinator.
Later, while serving in the Virginia General Assembly, Cuccinelli supported multiple bills dealing with human trafficking. He became a leader on this issue and was appointed to the Human Trafficking Commission which worked to develop and implement a plan for the prevention of human trafficking in Virginia.
Currently serving as Attorney General, Cuccinelli’s office works to protect victims of domestic violence—most often, women—by producing an annual report on the issue and promoting the best practices from other areas of the country that have developed creative responses to domestic and sexual violence. Ken is a husband and father to seven children – five girls and two boys – he is deeply dedicated to his family.
Ken has fought repeatedly against the exploitation of the most vulnerable, including the unborn, and women can be confident he will do the same as governor.
As the 2013 election cycle continues, this race will be a top priority for the SBA List!
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