This article first appeared online at The Washington Times on December 30, 2011.
By Kerry Picket
December 30, 2011.
The Susan B. Anthony List (SBA List), a pro-life Washington D.C. based organization, posted financial information on Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA).
According to an SBA List press release, the PPFA annual report for the year “2009 to 2010 revealed, for the first time, that PPFA topped $1 billion in total net assets.”
SBA List goes further saying that in the PPFA report, “46% of PPFA’s annual revenue ($487,400,000) comes from U.S. taxpayers in the form of government grants, contracts & Medicaid reimbursements.”
“In 2010, abortion procedures made up 91% (329,445) of Planned Parenthood’s services for pregnant women, while prenatal services and adoption referrals account for only 8.6% (31,098) and 0.2% (841), respectively.”
“Planned Parenthood reports to have served ‘three million people’ and performed 329,445 abortions, meaning that 11% of PPFA clients received an abortion.’
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