Contact: Nicole Stacy, [email protected] 202-223-8073
Musgrave: “Diane Black is the Abortion Lobby’s Worst Nightmare.”
Washington, D.C. – Today the national pro-life group Susan B. Anthony List (SBA List) announced its primary endorsement of Rep. Diane Black, who is running for re-election in Tennessee’s sixth Congressional district
“Diane Black is the abortion lobby’s worst nightmare, heroically leading the charge in Congress to defund Planned Parenthood of our hard-earned tax dollars,” said SBA List Vice President of Government Affairs Marilyn Musgrave. “She is an unflinching, unwavering voice for the innocent unborn who has been at the center of every single pro-life battle in Congress. We urge pro-life voters in Tennessee to vote for Diane Black so she can continue to lead the charge to protect the unborn and strip the scandal-ridden abortion industry of their tax dollars.”
Representative Diane Black welcomed the endorsement, saying: “I am honored to receive the endorsement of the Susan B. Anthony List. Together, we are fighting the big abortion industry and championing laws that save lives. I will never stop representing the pro-life values of Tennessee citizens and will always be a voice for the voiceless unborn.”
Black is a former clinical care nurse currently serving Tennessee’s sixth congressional district in Congress. She was elected to the U.S. House in 2010 and is a member of both the House Pro-life Caucus and the Pro-life Women’s Caucus. She is the chief sponsor of legislation passed by the U.S. House that defunds Planned Parenthood, and also authored the pro-life Conscience Protection Act which passed the U.S. House this month.  She also currently serves on Select Investigative Panel for Infant Lives, tasked with investigating the abortion industry and their participation in the selling of baby body parts.
The primary election will be held on Thursday, August 4, 2016.
Susan B. Anthony List and its Political Action Committees, the SBA List Candidate Fund and Women Speak Out PAC, spent $16.71 million in the 2014 election cycle to defeat pro-abortion incumbents and elect pro-life candidates to federal and statewide office. The SBA List is dedicated to pursuing policies and electing candidates who will reduce and ultimately end abortion. To that end, the SBA List emphasizes the education, promotion, mobilization, and election of pro-life women. Â The SBA List is a network of more than 465,000 pro-life Americans nationwide.
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