FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 2, 2015
Contact: Tom Ciesielka, 312-422-1333, [email protected]; Mallory Quigley, 202-223-8073, [email protected]
*Media Advisory*Â
Jill Stanek Leads Unprecedented Coalition of Illinois
Pro-life Groups outside Kirk’s Chicago Office
Chicago, IL – National and Illinois pro-life leaders will hold a press conference outside of Senator Mark Kirk’s office tomorrow, September 3, in Chicago, IL. The coalition, led by Jill Stanek, National Campaign Chair of Susan B. Anthony List (SBA List), will rebuke Senator Kirk for his recent vote in support of Planned Parenthood and challenge him to support the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (S. 1553), popular legislation to limit late term abortions after five months, more than halfway through pregnancy.
Senator Kirk has thus far refused to support the common sense limit on abortion, which is supported by a majority of Americans – women in higher numbers than men. He has also continued to support Planned Parenthood, America’s largest abortion business, despite investigative videos exposing their practice of harvesting the organs of aborted babies. Sen. Kirk told The Hill, “[i]n other states tissue donation programs should be investigated but in Illinois there is no similar program.” Planned Parenthood Illinois Actions’ Facebook page declares, “We are proud of Senator Mark Kirk.”
WHAT: Illinois Pro-life Leaders Demand Sen. Kirk Support Compassionate 5 Month Abortion Limit, Oppose Planned Parenthood
WHERE: Outside Senator Kirk’s Chicago office, Federal Plaza, 230 South Dearborn Street, Chicago, IL 60604 [MAP:]
WHEN: TOMORROW, Thursday, September 3, 2015 – 12 to 1 p.m. (Central)
WHO:Â Â Jill Stanek, Susan B. Anthony List
Andy Moore, Americans United for Life Action
Brian Burch,
Debbie Leininger, Concerned Women for America of Illinois
Carol Wright, Illinois Citizens for Life
Dr. Barbara Bellar, Illinois Family Institute
Dawn Behnke, Illinois Federation for the Right to Life
Emily Zender, Illinois Right to Life
Eric Scheidler, Pro-Life Action League
Christy Morehead, Pro-Life Future
Reagan Nielsen, Students for Life of America
“I witnessed live children born alive after abortion procedures more than halfway through pregnancy. These children suffered painful deaths. We challenge Senator Kirk to have compassionate on these children and support a common sense measure to protect them at this point,” said Jill Stanek, longtime pro-life activist and Susan B. Anthony List National Campaign Chair. “The United States is one of only seven nations – including human rights violators like China and North Korea – to allow abortion after five months.”
Senator Kirk maintains that Planned Parenthood in Illinois is harmless, yet the organization:
–       is responsible for the death of 24-year old Tonya Reaves following a botched abortion. Â
–Â Â Â Â Â Â Â refuses Illinois Department of Public Health inspections.
–Â Â Â Â Â Â Â has been sued for malpractice (Court cases 2013-L-000076, 2004-L-005586, 2002-L-015845, 2000-L-013105, 2009-L-001757, 2008-L-003680), Medicaid fraud, libel, and violating zoning laws.
Previously, national polling by Quinnipiac, National Journal, Huffington Post, NBC/Wall Street Journal, and Washington Post/ABC News all found that a plurality or majority of Americans support limiting abortion after five months and that women support the measure in higher proportions than men.
ONSITE CONTACT: Chris Crawford, Susan B. Anthony List: [email protected], (603)508-1359Â
The Susan B. Anthony List and its Political Action Committees, the SBA List Candidate Fund and Women Speak Out PAC, spent $15.25 million in the 2014 election cycle to defeat pro-abortion incumbents and elect pro-life candidates to federal and statewide office. The SBA List is dedicated to pursuing policies and electing candidates who will reduce and ultimately end abortion. To that end, the SBA List emphasizes the education, promotion, mobilization, and election of pro-life women. Â The SBA List is a network of more than 365,000 pro-life Americans nationwide.
SBA Pro-Life America's mission is to end abortion by electing national leaders and advocating for laws that save lives, with a special calling to promote pro-life women leaders. Your secure gift today will help to advance a culture of life and protect unborn children and their mothers from abortion.