Defenders of sex-selective abortion, which usually targets unborn girls, are desperate to distract from their support of gendercide, an atrocious human rights abuse. Their latest trend is to accuse those who stand for these unborn women of racism. Chuck Donovan, of the Charlotte Lozier Institute, our research arm, called out this despicable tactic in National Review.
Protecting the Human Right to Be Born Female
In a remarkable case of inauspicious timing, a writer at Slate chose the eve of the 25th anniversary of the brutal crushing of dissent in Tiananmen Square to attack sponsors of efforts to stop abortions for the purpose of sex selection. Defenders of the unpopular policy of permitting such abortions have staked much of their efforts on making it appear that opposition to sex-selective abortion — which is almost universally used to end the prenatal lives of females — is based on racial prejudice against Asian Americans. A lethal gender prejudice is therefore tolerable because condemning it is a form of ethnic bigotry.
The ploy is clever in its way, but ultimately absurd. Sex-selective abortion bans would evince racial prejudice if they were applied solely against a racial group or were reflective of a belief that only certain racial groups would engage in such a practice. But the history and evidence of the development of sex-selective abortion and related practices show persuasively that they arise not as a result of beliefs inherent to a single nation or ethnic subgroup, but rather from traditions of son preference exacerbated by draconian population-control policies that limit family size by edict of the state. Population control on the scale of the People’s Republic of China’s one-child policy helped create the world’s largest instance of gendercide. And that policy’s history, as writer Mara Hvistendahl has shown, has its origin in Western-sponsored efforts to aggressively curb population growth and to do so through reducing the number of child-bearers (females) in a society….
Read more at National Review Online
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