FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 6, 2018 |
CONTACT: Mallory Quigley [email protected] | 202-223-8073 |
SBA List Visited 110,000+ West Virginians Urging Them to Vote Yes on 1
Washington, D.C. – Tonight the national pro-life group Susan B. Anthony List (SBA List) celebrated as West Virginia voters passed Amendment 1, a pro-life ballot initiative to stop taxpayer-funded abortions. Previously, elective abortions up to five months of pregnancy were paid for by taxpayers under Medicaid.
 “West Virginians value life and reject abortion on demand,” said SBA List President Marjorie Dannenfelser. “Amendment 1 could spare the lives of 1,500 unborn West Virginians every year. Over the years, West Virginia taxpayers have been forced to fund the destruction of more than 35,000 innocent unborn children – including late-term abortions – at a cost of nearly 10 million dollars. This outrageous abuse ends now. SBA List’s field team spent months on the ground in West Virginia educating more than 110,000 voters, urging them to vote yes on this vital initiative. The passage of Amendment 1 is a victory for the Mountain State and we hope other states will follow their lead.”
SBA List’s field team of 77 pro-life canvassers visited more than 110,000 West Virginia voters urging them to vote Yes on 1. Last week SBA List held four press conferences across the Mountain State with Delegate Kayla Kessinger (R-Fayetteville) as a part of an overall $500,000 campaign to educate West Virginia voters on Amendment 1. The campaign included television, radio, and digital advertising, as well as voter contact mail.
SBA List is dedicated to ending abortion by electing national leaders and advocating for laws that save lives, with a special calling to promote pro-life women leaders. SBA List is a network of more than 700,000 pro-life Americans nationwide.
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