Saul Anuzis
What is your position, how was your position shaped and what experience do you have?
Life begins at conception and ends at natural death and I came to that position very straightforwardly as a Roman Catholic being raised that way and it been a part of my faith. I have been involved in Right to Life of Michigan for almost 30 years. I worked with them extensively while I served in the legislature as well as a staffer. So I have a long history of involvement as an issue as well as a matter of faith from my perspective.
I’m a movement conservative… my basis for being involved with politics in philosophical rather than political. I’m a believer and I think that helped when it comes to making gut-wrenching decisions rather than just being political.
As chair what will you do differently and how will you promote the life issue in your work in reference to resources?
When I was State Chair in Michigan for 4 years I worked with Right to Life on a regular basis.… We would sit down every election year and go through who the Republican candidates were, who our nominees were going to be, where they stood on the Life issue, and how we could help and get involved in coordinating. I am very comfortable within the scope of the law to work with pro-life groups to make sure we support the life position that we are active in that. It is a part of our platform and a fundamental part of what we as Republicans, in general, believe in. And yes, we have some Republicans who do not agree with us but I think the overwhelming majority of Republicans, let’s say the supermajority of Republicans, maybe 90% or more, are pro-life. It is an important part of our coalition, an important part of who we are as a party and as a civilization, as well.
Have you ever given to a pro-choice organization directly or bundled checks through either or whose organizations.
The SBA Pro-Life America National Pro-life Scorecard is a tool that helps hold members of Congress accountable for their legislative records on life and that highlights leadership in the fight to serve women and save babies.
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