Contact: Prudence Robertson, [email protected] | 240-672-2828
Pro-Abortion Democrats Use COVID-19 Relief to Bail Out Abortion Industry
Washington, D.C. – Today the national pro-life group Susan B. Anthony List (SBA List) issued the following statement following passage of the COVID-19 relief package without the Hyde Amendment preventing taxpayer funding of abortion on demand:
“Shame on pro-abortion Democrats who exploited COVID-19 relief to expand taxpayer-funded abortion on demand, breaking with more than four decades of bipartisan consensus. Most Americans, including millions of rank-and-file Democrats, oppose forcing taxpayers to pay for abortions,” said SBA List President Marjorie Dannenfelser.
“We thank Senators Daines and Lankford for their heroic efforts to fix this bill during ‘vote-a-rama,’ as well as the three Democratic senators who stood up to extremists in their party and voted to maintain Hyde protections that would have been consistent with past COVID-19 relief packages.
“Keeping taxpayers out of the abortion business should not be a partisan issue. Joe Biden himself was once an ardent supporter of the Hyde Amendment. He has caved to pro-abortion radicals within his party who chose to ignore this reality to their own political peril. Susan B. Anthony List will work tirelessly to educate voters so their elected officials are held accountable.”
SBA List scored against the COVID-19 relief package, and votes will be reflected on the SBA List National Pro-Life Scorecard.
A Marist/Knights of Columbus poll released earlier this year found that 58% percent of Americans – including 65% of Independents and nearly one third of Democrats – oppose using taxpayer money to fund abortions in the United States.
SBA List is a network of 900,000 pro-life Americans nationwide, dedicated to ending abortion by electing national leaders and advocating for laws that save lives, with a special calling to promote pro-life women leaders.
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