A Tennessee law that bars insurance plans on the newly created public exchange from covering elective abortion was signed into law yesterday by Governor Phil Bredesen. This makes Tennessee the second state behind Arizona to pass a law of this sort. The law was passed in reaction to the recently passed healthcare reform bill that allows insurance plans subsidized by the government to cover elective abortion. This is one of the many pro-life contentions with the bill.
Tennessee and Arizona are very wise to be proactive in passing this measure before the new healthcare law goes into effect in 2014. Mississippi and Florida are awaiting their governor’s to sign similar legislation.
The vast majority of Americans don’t want their tax dollars to fund abortion. Encourage Members of your state legislature as well as the federal legislature to follow in the footsteps of Tennessee and Arizona and prevent tax dollars from funding insurance plans that cover abortion.
Go here to find your local Right to Life chapter with guides to contacting local legislators. Also, contact your Member of Congress here and tell him or her to support H.R. 5111 the Protect Life Act which will ensure no federal funds flow toward elective abortion in the healthcare bill.
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