2023-2029 (Current term)

Sen. James Lankford

Oklahoma (Republican)

SBA Rating:


Sen. James Lankford

Oklahoma (Republican)


118th Congress
Sen. Lankford has stood up against the extremist nominees of the pro-abortion Biden-Harris administration and against pro-abortion action both in the administration and through legislation advanced by Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. Sen. Lankford has voted consistently to defend the lives of the unborn and infants. This includes stopping hard-earned tax dollars from paying for abortion, including abortion travel expenses, whether domestically or internationally, and pushing back on the administration’s extreme executive actions on abortion.

As the Chair of the Values Action Team in the Senate, Sen. Lankford led many initiatives to defend unborn life. Sen. Lankford introduced the Prevent Discrimination in Title X Act (S. 2539) to stop the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) from discriminating against pro-life states when awarding grants. He also led a letter from the Oklahoma delegation to HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra for suspending the Title X Family Planning grant to the Oklahoma State Department of Health because they do not refer for abortions. Sen. Lankford introduced the Women's Public Health and Safety Act (S. 471), which allows a state to exclude a provider who performs abortions from the state's Medicaid program. Sen. Lankford spoke on the Senate floor on the anniversary of the landmark Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization decision and called out the Biden-Harris administration for being the most pro-abortion administration in history. Sen. Lankford led a letter to HHS Inspector General Christi Grimm demanding to know why Planned Parenthood and its affiliates received millions of dollars from the Provider Relief Fund (PRF), a COVID relief program. He also led a letter to HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra demanding he enforce conscience protections for pro-life Americans. Sen. Lankford co-led a letter to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission calling out their abuse of the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act to push abortion on employers. He co-led a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray regarding a leaked FBI memo targeting pro-life Catholic Americans. He led a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland calling out the Department of Justice for failing to enforce longstanding law that prohibits mail order abortion drugs. Sen. Lankford co-led a letter demanding that the Department of Defense roll back its immoral and illegal abortion travel policy and provide information about its implementation.

Sen. Lankford introduced an amendment to stop funds from going to late term abortion facilities. He also spoke about this amendment on the Senate floor. He introduced and gave a speech on S. 4524, the Conscience Protection Act of 2024, to protect Americans from discrimination if they decline to participate in abortions. He gave pro-life speeches on the Senate floor in honor of the Dobbs decision and marking the March for Life. He led a letter to Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra for stripping Title X funds from Oklahoma in retaliation for the state’s strong pro-life laws. He also pressed Becerra about this in a Budget hearing. He introduced S. 2539, the Prevent Discrimination in Title X Act, to stop such discrimination against pro-life states. Sen. Lankford blocked a Democrat bill on the Senate floor that would have put embryos at risk for destruction. He sent a letter to Christine E. Wormuth, the Secretary of the Army, after reports came out that pro-life Americans were depicted as terrorists during an anti-terrorism training conducted at Ft. Liberty in North Carolina. In a hearing, Sen. Lankford questioned a Biden-Harris nominee about her previous pro-abortion statements. During a Senate Finance Committee hearing, Sen. Lankford pushed back against the lies of Senate Democrats and the abortion industry, clarifying that all pro-life laws allow doctors to act in a medical emergency. Sen. Lankford led the way in combating dangerous lies that put women’s lives at risk. In a speech on the Senate floor, Sen. Lankford objected to a Democratic bill that would perpetrate this misinformation.

Scored Votes

Date Vote Score
118th Congress

On the Motion (Motion to Proceed to S.J.Res. 10)

A joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Department of Veterans Affairs relating to “Reproductive Health Services.” ROLL CALLREAD MORE
118th Congress

On Cloture on the Motion to Proceed, Motion to Invoke Cloture: Motion to Proceed to S. J. Res. 4 (DOUBLE WEIGHTED)

A joint resolution removing the deadline for the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment ROLL CALLREAD MORE
118th Congress

Cloture Vote on Rikelman Nomination

A procedural vote for the Senate to move forward to the final confirmation vote of Julie Rikelman to be U.S. Circuit Judge for the First Circuit. ROLL CALLREAD MORE
118th Congress

Confirmation Vote on Rikelman Nomination

To confirm Julie Rikelman to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit. ROLL CALLREAD MORE
118th Congress

On the Motion to Table (Motion to Table Schumer Amdt. No. 1373)

This procedural motion offered by Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA) would initiate the process of sending H.R. 2670, the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) back to conference committee with instructions to include House-passed language to stop the illegal abortion travel policy implemented by the Biden-Harris administration through the Department of Defense. ROLL CALLREAD MORE
118th Congress

S. 4381, Right to Contraception Act

S.4381, better described as the Payouts for Planned Parenthood Act, would funnel money to abortion providers, override conscience protections, and could mandate access to abortion drugs. It also feeds into the false narrative that states have prohibited contraceptives or family planning, or that there are federal efforts to do so. ROLL CALLREAD MORE
118th Congress

S. 4445, Right to IVF Act

S.4445 is a solution in search of a problem, as fertility treatments are widely available and there are no serious efforts to curtail thoughtful care for those experiencing infertility. S.4445 would create a right to and coverage for unlimited fertility treatments with no safeguards while also preempting state laws that seek to establish safety and ethics standards. ROLL CALLREAD MORE
118th Congress

S. 4554, Reproductive Freedom for Women Act

S.4554 states congressional support for abortion and purports that Roe v. Wade should be reinstated and “built upon.” ROLL CALLREAD MORE

Tracked Activity: Bills Cosponsored & Letters Cosigned

As of 02/01/2023

Date Vote Score
118th Congress

Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine v. U.S. Food and Drug Administration SCOTUS Amicus Brief

This pro-life amicus brief asks the Supreme Court of the United States to deny a stay on a 5th Circuit ruling that would have returned chemical abortion drugs to the 2016 safety protocols, ending reckless and illegal mail-order abortion. READ MORE
118th Congress

S. 95, the Support and Value Expectant (SAVE) Moms and Babies Act of 2023 - Cosponsorship

Would prohibit the FDA from removing safety regulations for abortion drugs, stop abortion drugs from being dispensed remotely through the mail or via telemedicine, and prevent any future FDA approvals of new chemical abortion drugs. READ MORE
118th Congress

S. 62, No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act of 2023 - Cosponsorship

Would codify the Hyde amendment, ensuring that no federal funds could be used for abortions or to subsidize health plans that include abortion coverage. READ MORE
118th Congress

S. 204, Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act - Cosponsorship

Would criminalize infanticide and clarify the standard of care that must be given to babies born alive after failed abortions. READ MORE


Sen. James Lankford

Oklahoma (Republican)

SBA Rating:


Sen. James Lankford

Oklahoma (Republican)


117th Congress
Senator Lankford has stood up against extremist nominees of the pro-abortion Biden-Harris administration, against pro-abortion action both in the administration and through legislation advanced by Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. Sen. Lankford has voted consistently to defend the lives of the unborn and infants. This includes stopping hard-earned tax dollars from paying for abortion, whether domestically or internationally, and protecting health care provider rights for those who refuse to engage in brutal abortions.

Senator Lankford chairs the Senate Values Action Team. He objected to the Democratic attempt to pass H.R. 5, the Equality Act, which could cement a “right” to abortion in federal law; led an amendment to H.R. 1799, the PPP Expansion Act, to prohibit Planned Parenthood from receiving subsides in the form of forgivable loans under the Paycheck Protection Program; offered an amendment to S. 937, the COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act, to address discrimination abortions committed based on race, ethnicity, color, national origin, sex or disability; and introduced S. 401, the Conscience Protection Act, which would protect health care providers that refuse to participate in abortions based on religious or moral convictions. He also co-led a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland and HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra demanding answers about their reasons for dropping a lawsuit against the University of Vermont Medical Center, which violated federal law by forcing a nurse to assist in an abortion despite her objections. Sen. Lankford held a press conference ahead of the confirmation of Xavier Becerra, highlighting his extreme, pro-abortion record, violation of conscience protections, and lack of qualifications to lead the Department of Health & Human Services. During a Finance Committee hearing, Sen. Lankford also pressed Becerra on whether taxpayer dollars are being used for unethical NIH-funded experiments involving human-animal chimeras. Sen. Lankford introduced two amendments to S. Con. Res. 5, the Budget Resolution: one that allows states to exclude abortion businesses from participation in state Medicaid programs, and another that prohibits health care providers who refuse to perform abortions or offer abortion coverage from being penalized or discriminated against by having funding withheld. Similarly, he offered and passed an amendment to S. Con. Res. 14, the following Budget Resolution, which showed the sense of the Senate that Hyde protections should apply to the reconciliation bill. He sent a letter demanding that Google stop silencing pro-life views and reverse unjust censorship; and sent letter to DOJ, HHS, and NIH, demanding investigation into unethical fetal tissue experimentation and research at federally funded University of Pittsburgh. He sponsored S.Con.Res. 17, a resolution commemorating the anniversary of the signing of the Geneva Consensus Declaration. He also published a memo highlighting abortion funding in H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act. Sen. Lankford spoke outside the Supreme Court at the pro-life rally on the day of Dobbs oral arguments, and organized and gave speeches defending life during a Senate press conference and colloquy on the eve of the Dobbs Supreme Court case.

Senator Lankford wrote a letter urging the National Archivist's commitment to follow the DOJ and to not certify the long-expired Equal Rights Amendment; sent a bicameral letter to the D.C. Mayor, D.C. Chief of Police, and United States Attorney General demanding autopsies of the five babies discovered outside a Washington, D.C. abortion clinic and investigations into whether federal crimes were committed; co-led a letter to the Senate Sergeant-at-Arms raising concerns that the Senate contracts with a banking institution that announced it would now provide abortion-related travel benefits; and co-led a bicameral letter requesting an investigation by the Inspector General of the Department of Health and Human Services into whether the fetal tissue research funded by HHS at the University of Pittsburgh violated federal law. He also requested unanimous consent for the Senate to pass the Conscience Protection Act and introduced a Congressional Disapproval Resolution to rescind the Biden-Harris administration's regulation obscuring abortion coverage through Obamacare. Sen. Lankford led a press conference denouncing the Women's Health Protection Act (better described as the Abortion on Demand Until Birth Act) and, when Senator Chuck Schumer forced a second vote on this extreme bill, he forcefully opposed the legislation. In a speech ahead of the March for Life, Sen. Lankford reminded his colleagues of the humanity of the unborn.

116th Congress
Senator Lankford has voted consistently to protect the lives of unborn babies and infants as well as the consciences of taxpayers who don’t want their hard-earned tax dollars paying for abortion domestically or internationally. While the pro-abortion majority in the U.S. House of Representatives continually sends the Senate bills that roll back pro-life protections, the Senate has made it their priority to confirm judges and justices who will respect the constitution and leave legislating to the legislative branch.

Senator Lankford is Chair of the Senate Values Action Team, which advocates for issues including life and conscience protections. He is the sponsor of S. 183, the Conscience Protection Act. Senator Lankford led the effort in appropriations to ensure that international family planning money could not go to organizations that perform or promote abortion. He also led a bicameral amicus brief with Congressman Andy Harris in support of the Trump administration’s Conscience Rule issued in November 2019, and an amicus brief with Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler in support of the Little Sisters of the Poor Supreme Court case. Senator Lankford participated in debate on the Senate floor in favor of S. 311, the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act and S. 3275, the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. He also led a bicameral letter with Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers to USAID Administrator Barsa, urging enforcement of the Siljander amendment, which prohibits funding for lobbying for or against abortion.

Scored Votes

Date Vote Score
116th Congress

Vote to advance S. 109, the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act

Would codify the Hyde amendment, ensuring that no federal funds could be used for abortions or to subsidize health plans that include abortion coverage. SBA Pro-Life America SUPPORTED ROLL CALLREAD MORE
116th Congress

Vote to advance S. 311, the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act

Would criminalize infanticide and clarify the standard of care that must be given to babies born alive after failed abortions. SBA Pro-Life America SUPPORTED ROLL CALLREAD MORE
116th Congress

Vote to advance S. 3275, the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act

Would protect unborn children halfway through pregnancy based on their ability to feel excruciating pain. SBA Pro-Life America SUPPORTED ROLL CALLREAD MORE
116th Congress

Second vote to advance S. 311, the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act

Would criminalize infanticide and clarify the standard of care that must be given to babies born alive after failed abortions. SBA Pro-Life America SUPPORTED ROLL CALLREAD MORE
116th Congress

Vote on the Motion to Proceed to Confirm Amy Coney Barrett

To allow the Senate to proceed to the consideration of the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States SBA Pro-Life America SUPPORTED ROLL CALLREAD MORE
116th Congress

Vote to Advance to the Final Confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett

To end debate and allow the Senate to proceed to the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States SBA Pro-Life America SUPPORTED ROLL CALLREAD MORE
116th Congress

Final Vote on the Confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett

To confirm Amy Coney Barrett of the Seventh Circuit Court as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States SBA Pro-Life America SUPPORTED ROLL CALLREAD MORE
117th Congress

Sasse Amendment No. 192 to S. Con. Res. 5, Budget Reconciliation bill

Would establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund to care for infant abortion survivors. SBA Pro-Life America SUPPORTED ROLL CALLREAD MORE
117th Congress

Cotton Amendment No. 66 to S. Con. Res. 5, Budget Reconciliation bill

Would prohibit increasing the number of justices on the United States Supreme Court. SBA Pro-Life America SUPPORTED ROLL CALLREAD MORE
117th Congress

Lankford Amendment #1031 to Schumer substitute #891 to H.R. 1319, known as the American Rescue Plan Act

Would add status quo Hyde protections to COVID relief funds. SBA Pro-Life America SUPPORTED ROLL CALLREAD MORE
117th Congress

Schumer substitute #891 to H.R. 1319, known as the American Rescue Plan Act

Would significantly expand funding for abortion, insurance that includes abortion, and the abortion industry, both domestic and international, under funds broadly defined as related to COVID-19 relief. SBA Pro-Life America OPPOSED ROLL CALLREAD MORE
117th Congress

Becerra Vote to Report from Committee

This procedural vote to advance the nominee for Secretary of Health and Human Services was required after the Committee of jurisdiction failed to garner enough votes to report him out of Committee. SBA Pro-Life America OPPOSED ROLL CALLREAD MORE
117th Congress

Vote to Advance Confirmation of Xavier Becerra

To end debate and allow the Senate to proceed to the confirmation of Xavier Becerra as Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services. SBA Pro-Life America OPPOSED ROLL CALLREAD MORE
117th Congress

Final Vote on Confirmation of Xavier Becerra

To end debate and allow the Senate to proceed to the confirmation of Xavier Becerra as Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services. SBA Pro-Life America OPPOSED ROLL CALLREAD MORE
117th Congress

Lee Amendment #1891 to the United States Innovation and Competition Act of 2021

Would add pro-life protections to ensure funding for ethical research. SBA Pro-Life America SUPPORTED ROLL CALLREAD MORE
117th Congress

Braun Amendment #1771 to the United States Innovation and Competition Act of 2021

Would criminalize the creation of human-animal hybrids (chimeras) in research. SBA Pro-Life America SUPPORTED ROLL CALLREAD MORE
117th Congress

H.R. 7, the Paycheck Fairness Act

Would add a new definition of “sex” that could force employers to cover elective abortion through employee benefits under the guise of fairness. SBA Pro-Life America OPPOSED ROLL CALLREAD MORE
117th Congress

S.2093/S.1, the For the People Act

Would enact a federal takeover of election laws, overriding state laws and removing safeguards on election transparency SBA Pro-Life America OPPOSED ROLL CALLREAD MORE
117th Congress

Lankford Amendment #3792 to S. Con. Res. 14, the budget resolution

Would express the sense of the Senate that longstanding Hyde protections should govern federal funding. SBA Pro-Life America SUPPORTED ROLL CALLREAD MORE
117th Congress

Kennedy Amendment #3758 to S. Con. Res. 14, the budget resolution

By establishing a deficit-neutral reserve fund, this amendment expresses the position of the Senate that the unborn should be protected from painful late-term abortion. SBA Pro-Life America SUPPORTED ROLL CALLREAD MORE
117th Congress

Inhofe Amendment #3331 to S. Con. Res. 14, the budget resolution

By establishing a deficit-neutral reserve fund, this amendment expresses the position of the Senate that unborn children should be protected from abortion based on a Down Syndrome diagnosis. SBA Pro-Life America SUPPORTED ROLL CALLREAD MORE
117th Congress

Motion to Discharge S. 1 For the People Act

This procedural vote to advance S. 1 was required after the Committee of jurisdiction failed to garner enough votes to report the bill out of Committee. SBA Pro-Life America OPPOSED ROLL CALLREAD MORE
117th Congress

House Amendment to Senate Amendment to H.R. 5746, Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act

Would combine partisan election bills to enact a federal takeover of election laws, overriding state laws and removing safeguards on election transparency. SBA Pro-Life America OPPOSED ROLL CALLREAD MORE
117th Congress

Filibuster Carveout Vote

Would change longstanding Senate rules to allow legislation relating to election law to be exempt from the filibuster 60-vote requirement. SBA Pro-Life America OPPOSED ROLL CALLREAD MORE
117th Congress

Cloture Vote on Robert Califf Nomination

To end debate and allow the Senate to proceed to the confirmation of Robert Califf as Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration. SBA Pro-Life America OPPOSED ROLL CALLREAD MORE
117th Congress

Confirmation Vote on Califf Nomination

To confirm Robert Califf as Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration. SBA Pro-Life America OPPOSED ROLL CALLREAD MORE
117th Congress

H.R. 3755, the Women’s Health Protection Act of 2021

Better described as the Abortion on Demand Until Birth Act, this bill would expand abortion access, prohibit enforcement of state and federal pro-life laws, and prevent future pro-life laws. SBA Pro-Life America OPPOSED ROLL CALLREAD MORE
117th Congress

Motion to proceed on Ketanji Brown Jackson Nomination to the Supreme Court of the United States

To allow the Senate to proceed to the consideration of the confirmation of Ketanji Brown Jackson as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. SBA Pro-Life America OPPOSED ROLL CALLREAD MORE
117th Congress

Cloture Vote on Ketanji Brown Jackson Nomination to the Supreme Court of the United States

To end debate and allow the Senate to proceed to the confirmation of Ketanji Brown Jackson as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. SBA Pro-Life America OPPOSED ROLL CALLREAD MORE
117th Congress

Confirmation Vote on Ketanji Brown Jackson Nomination to the Supreme Court of the United States

To confirm Ketanji Brown Jackson of the D.C. Circuit Court as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. SBA Pro-Life America OPPOSED ROLL CALLREAD MORE
117th Congress

S.J.Res. 41, the disapproval resolution under the Congressional Review Act to overturn the Biden administration’s 2021 Final Rule on the Title X Family Planning Program

Would overturn the Biden-Harris administration’s rule that rescinded the Trump administration’s Protect Life Rule. SBA Pro-Life America SUPPORTED ROLL CALLREAD MORE
117th Congress

S. 4132, the Women’s Health Protection Act of 2022

Better described as the Abortion on Demand Until Birth Act, this bill would expand abortion access, prohibit enforcement of state and federal pro-life laws, and prevent future pro-life laws. SBA Pro-Life America OPPOSED ROLL CALLREAD MORE
117th Congress

H.R. 5376, the Inflation Reduction Act

Would extend the expanded Obamacare subsidies, which include coverage of elective abortion. SBA Pro-Life America OPPOSED ROLL CALLREAD MORE

Important Past Votes

Congress Vote Score
114th Congress

2015: Vote to Advance H.R. 36, the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act

Would protect unborn children halfway through pregnancy based on their ability to feel excruciating pain. SBA Pro-Life America SUPPORTED ROLL CALLREAD MORE
114th Congress

2015: H.R. 3762, the Restoring Americans' Healthcare Freedom Reconciliation Act of 2015

Would defund certain abortion providers while redirecting approximately $400 million to Community Health Centers. SBA Pro-Life America SUPPORTED ROLL CALLREAD MORE
115th Congress

2017: H.J. Res. 43, a Congressional Review Act Nullification of Obama Administration Title X Rule

Would nullify a rule made at the end of Obama’s administration that blocked states from redirecting Title X family planning funding away from abortion providers. SBA Pro-Life America SUPPORTED ROLL CALLREAD MORE
115th Congress

2017: Confirmation of Neil Gorsuch to the United States Supreme Court

To confirm Judge Neil Gorsuch of the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals as an Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court. SBA Pro-Life America SUPPORTED ROLL CALLREAD MORE
115th Congress

2017: Vote to Advance H.R. 1628, the American Health Care Act of 2017, allowing consideration of the Better Care Reconciliation Act

Would repeal and replace Obamacare and defund certain abortion providers. SBA Pro-Life America SUPPORTED ROLL CALLREAD MORE
115th Congress

2017: Vote to Advance Amdt. 667, the Better Care Reconciliation Act, amending H.R. 1628, the American Health Care Act

Would repeal and replace Obamacare and defund certain abortion providers. SBA Pro-Life America ROLL CALLREAD MORE
115th Congress

2018: Vote to Advance S. 2311, the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act

Would protect unborn children halfway through pregnancy based on their ability to feel excruciating pain. SBA Pro-Life America SUPPORTED ROLL CALLREAD MORE
115th Congress

2018: Paul Amendment #3967 to H.R. 6157, the Department of Defense and Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education Appropriations Act

Would deny funding to abortion providers like Planned Parenthood. SBA Pro-Life America SUPPORTED ROLL CALLREAD MORE
115th Congress

2018: Confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the United States Supreme Court

To confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh of the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals as an Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court. SBA Pro-Life America SUPPORTED ROLL CALLREAD MORE

Tracked Activity: Bills Cosponsored & Letters Cosigned

Date Vote Score
116th Congress

S. 109, the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act

Would codify the Hyde amendment, ensuring that no federal funds could be used for abortions or to subsidize health plans that include abortion coverage. SBA Pro-Life America SUPPORTED COSPONSORSHIP READ MORE
116th Congress

S. 160, the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act

Would protect unborn children from late-term abortion based on their ability to feel excruciating pain. SBA Pro-Life America SUPPORTED COSPONSORSHIP READ MORE
116th Congress

Letter to President Donald J. Trump

Requesting his veto threat for any bill that weakens pro-life policies or laws. SBA Pro-Life America SUPPORTED COSIGNING READ MORE
116th Congress

S.130/S.311, the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act

Would criminalize infanticide and clarify the standard of care that must be given to babies born alive after failed abortions. SBA Pro-Life America SUPPORTED COSPONSORSHIP READ MORE
116th Congress

S. 3072, the Support and Value Expectant Moms and Babies Act

Would prohibit the FDA from approving mail-order do-it-yourself abortions. SBA Pro-Life America SUPPORTED COSPONSORSHIP READ MORE
116th Congress

Bicameral letter regarding chemical abortion restrictions

Encourages FDA Commissioner to uphold restrictions on the dispensing of chemical abortion put in place for the safety of women. SBA Pro-Life America SUPPORTED COSIGNING READ MORE
116th Congress

Letter opposing funding for fetal tissue research

Encourages the president to stand strong against unethical science that uses aborted fetal tissue, and to instead continue to fund better, ethical alternatives. SBA Pro-Life America SUPPORTED COSIGNING READ MORE
117th Congress

S. 123, the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act

Would criminalize infanticide and clarify the standard of care that must be given to babies born alive after failed abortions. SBA Pro-Life America SUPPORTED COSPONSORSHIP READ MORE
117th Congress

S. 78, the Support and Value Expectant Moms and Babies Act

Would prohibit the FDA from approving mail-order do-it-yourself abortions. SBA Pro-Life America SUPPORTED COSPONSORSHIP READ MORE
117th Congress

S. 92, the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act

Would codify the Hyde amendment, ensuring that no federal funds could be used for abortions or to subsidize health plans that include abortion coverage. SBA Pro-Life America SUPPORTED COSPONSORSHIP READ MORE
117th Congress

S. 61, the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act

Would protect unborn children from late-term abortion based on their ability to feel excruciating pain. SBA Pro-Life America SUPPORTED COSPONSORSHIP READ MORE
117th Congress

Daines Hyde Amendment Letter to Leader Schumer

Senators who signed the letter pledged to vote against legislation that weakens current pro-life protections including the Hyde Amendment. SBA Pro-Life America SUPPORTED COSIGNING READ MORE
117th Congress

COSIGNATURE: Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization Congressional amicus brief

This amicus brief argues that the abortion viability standard imposed by Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey is faulty and should be reconsidered. SBA Pro-Life America SUPPORTED COSIGNING READ MORE
117th Congress

S. 4840, Protecting Pain-Capable Unborn Children from Late-Term Abortions Act

This bill would protect unborn children at 15 weeks, the point by which science undeniably proves they can feel pain. SBA Pro-Life America SUPPORTED COSPONSORSHIP READ MORE